dearie me

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Star Trek: The Original Series

F/M, M/M | for dukeofdumbass | 442 words | 2022-09-07 | Ashe's Fics | AO3

James T. Kirk/Spock, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura

Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Nyota Uhura


Insufficient facts always invite danger. Or, one learns best by doing.

“Lieutenant. If I might ask you a question.” Though the break room was not the favored place of any, even Spock, to interrogate other members of the crew, it was a simple matter of translation.

“Please, Spock, I’ve told you, just call me Nyota. But of course! How can I help?”

“Something Jim said to me. I am unsure as to the meaning of a word he used, and why he used it.”

“Oh, well, why don’t you ask him? I’m sure he’d be happy to explain!”

“I am not certain it would be considered appropriate to do so.”

“Why not? What did he say?”

“Jim called me his ‘dear.’ Afterward, he seemed embarrassed to have done so, and promptly excused himself.”

“Oh that’s not so bad, Spock! Did you dislike him calling you that?”

“I did not feel strongly one way or another. In part because I do not know what it means to be his ‘dear.’”

“Well, of course it’s up to you and him to decide what that means to you. It’s like I said, you have to talk with him about it.”

“I see. Still, I do not wish to confront Jim about this without knowing more… What does ‘dear’ typically mean to humans?”

“Well… It’s often very special, and it conveys love, passion, and kindness, although it’s much subtler than that.” Spock did not seem at all moved by this explanation, if his wandering eyebrows had anything to say about it.

“Oh, Monty, would you help for a moment?” Nyota tugged at her partner’s sleeve as he passed.

“Hmm? Of course, dear!” Scotty beamed and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, just below the bone. “What is it you need?”

Scotty’s smile spread to her own lips as she locked eyes with him before looking back at Spock, “Is that at all helpful to you, Spock?”

Before he could answer, Spock’s attention was grabbed away by the captain himself briskly making his way into the room and looking around. “Ah, Spock! Just the man I was looking for! I’m sorry to tear you away from your conversation. Could you help me out with something quickly?”

Spock turned to Jim, uncharacteristically uncertain how to respond, before turning back to Nyota, his head cocked. She smiled back at him, obviously content that she had given him as much guidance as he needed. His eyebrows raised higher and he glanced at Scotty, who gave the same, albeit slightly less aware, treatment.

Finally, Spock looked back at Jim, with a look of affirmation. Confidently, he answered, “Of course, dear,” and leaned in to place a small kiss on Kirk’s cheek.