the chamber was in confusion

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenosaga (Video Games)

M/M | for xenogears | 100 words | 2023-03-15 | the lamb | AO3

Junior | Gaignun Kukai Jr. | Rubedo/chaos (Xenosaga)

Junior | Gaignun Kukai Jr. | Rubedo, chaos (Xenosaga)

Drabble, Inspired by Music, Source: Genesis, Source: Peter Gabriel

Through grins and gentle signs, they understand each other - it's no psychic bond, but it manages to be constant and reassuring nonetheless.

In a room full of harried people flailing about and causing, well, chaos, Jr. can look to his friend and know that everything will be alright. No need for yelling, or rough hands, or even necessarily an intimate and studied-out understanding of every detail of the situation. Not always, anyway, and chaos knows when to step back and let Jr. do his command thing.

Even chaos, of course, is a mystery. But that's okay! Jr. loves a challenge.