
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

F/F | for meownacridone | 100 words | 2023-03-14 | the lamb | AO3

Laura | Lora/Kasumi | Fan la Norne | Haze

Laura | Lora, Kasumi | Fan la Norne | Haze

Drabble, Inspired by Music, Source: Genesis, Source: Peter Gabriel

Haze's humming is generally tuneless, reminiscent of no particular memories Lora can recall - it's rare that they've the chance to stay in a proper town long enough to listen to bards, though some mercenaries can carry a tune with a whittled flute (even a song, sometimes, voices rough).

It's more just a whimsical excuse to listen to her lovely Blade's lovely voice for as long as she'd like, until Haze notices and trails off, embarrassed.

Today, however, it's different: a bouncing rhythm Lora can stumblingly mimic, and nonsense sounds that collapse them over each other in fits of tuneful laughter.