
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

M/M | for mirensiart | 100 words | 2022-07-22 | Prose Palettes | AO3

Ephraim (Fire Emblem)/Innes (Fire Emblem)

Ephraim (Fire Emblem), Innes (Fire Emblem)

Drabble, Prompt Fill

"Prince Ephraim."

"Prince Innes."

"I've noticed you've not been well-rested as of late."

Ephraim blinks. The gesture of affront and refresh isn't as subtle as he might have liked; it comes again, and again, and each cycle unfolds slower than the last.

Genuinely, his lip stiffens. It's almost funny. "And you make that your business...why?"

"Hmph. You're touchy, all of a sudden."

"If you think you can gain an advantage over me via shadowing my sleeping habits, you are...mistaken."

"Oh, so you're touched! I never thought I'd see the day."

Ephraim grits his teeth. "And you won't yet."