live fast and die hard or whatever spock said

Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Star Trek: The Original Series

M/M | for meownacridone, TheyreGayJim | 555 words | 2022-07-20 | Star Trek | AO3

James Tiberius Kirk/Spock (Star Trek)

James Tiberius Kirk, Spock (Star Trek)

Anal Fingering, Vaginal Fingering, Trans Male Character, A-Spec Character, Quintuple Drabble

Something worthwhile will come eventually. Eventually. This is just a meantime compromise, because I can.

quick explainer: i have a pair of quasi-comical ~fingering~ drabbles ([1] [2]) for my main fandom (as far as the sheer amount of time/autism i've poured into it) that repurpose a fairly suspect cutscene dialogue with ", etc." sardonically tacked on - this title is a spiritual successor to their absolute serendipities of process, but it's moreover something my non-trekkie (i'm cringing too [at the terminology]) friend said to me that happens to be only coincidentally/subconsciously linked to that tweet and i have a policy about putting expletives in titles/summaries (as if i'm not making people look at the tags on smut. you understand)

Spock has long since determined that he finds no significant enjoyment in sexual activity. Since when? Since he first became apprised that he might, most likely. Even during pon farr. Except during pon farr. There is a definite logic associated with the markers of successful acts performed with one's mate that results in...

As Jim would say, no blah blah blah. His own caveats and subcaveats regarding his own asexualness do not pertain here, particularly. While Spock does not enjoy sex for himself, for its own merits, he does not find the acts expressly, intrinsically repulsive at any time. Certainly, he finds that he enjoys the sight of Jim being pleased.

It only presents an issue when it is his own hands, specifically fingers, that are to be involved, employed. There is more sensation than he knows what to do with, at times. Of Jim's two posterior orifices, the vagina is typically easier to stimulate, but it also plays host to multiplicatively many more nerve endings than the anus. If he is not careful, he will most definitely overwhelm his shields.

But he is Spock. He is always very, very careful.

So, after all this preamble, we find that Spock is sat there, kneeling calves to thighs, intently watching the spectacularly beautiful rise and fall of Jim's chest, as he delicately plunges one or two fingers into one or the other cavity, alternating as his sensibilities dictate, and as he can successfully pleasure Jim.

In the middle of a pant, Jim lolls his head back and to one side, then up, neck bent at a constricted curve, to focus keenly on Spock's face and the slanting, animated brows.

"Can't you do both at once?"

His tone indicates a strikingly genuine interest toward efficiency; he is not being greedy or bratty. If anything, he seems to wish to make the experience more interesting, more intellectually stimulating, for his partner. No matter its practicality or realization, fruits, the notion is not unappreciated.

Spock withdraws his hand, noting the general keening motion that arches out of Jim's chest, scars to the ceiling, and clears his throat.

"I believe you are asking me to hold my hand like this?"

His face and voice together have that distinctly diagonal downwards inflection. Not quite amusement.

Jim grins, chewing on his tongue tucked into the pocket of one cheek. "If you're...amenable, Mr. Spock."

He doesn't wink. He knows he's not smooth. Spock places his free hand now very purposefully over Jim's opposite, fisting the bedcovers, and considers it.

It's not as if he rescinds the sentiment, when referring to Jim. Indeed, he hopes for Jim to have a very long and prosperous life, on a starship or somewhere equally suited to him off of it. And if Jim is alive, then Spock wants the same for himself. If not...then he does not.

The act simply seems inherently risible - and Vulcans do not laugh. Spock correctly predicts that once he has arranged his fingers in the ta'al long enough to confirm to Jim that he can, in fact, do both at once, the both of them will burst out laughing, and Spock will fall flat against Jim's chest, and the "lovemaking" session will have been brought to a swift and unceremonious, even inelegant, end.

Maybe that will not be entirely unappealing.