
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

M/M, Multi | for SilverWolf96 | 809 words | 2023-05-05 | Xeno Series | AO3

Shin | Jin/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo/Minochi | Cole | Minoth, Minochi | Cole | Minoth/Shin | Jin, Shin | Jin/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo, Adel Orudou | Addam Origo/Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Shin | Jin, Adel Orudou | Addam Origo, Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Late Night Conversations

Jin isn't used to sleeping with other people. Addam respects that, but he's also a massive cajoler. As is Lora.

And now for something completely shocking: Jin isn't used to sleeping with other people. Not in the least. He's shatteringly self-contained in everything he does, steps and speech both perfectly measured.

It can't be overstated, how reserved he is, because while Addam is quite the opposite, Minoth lurks somewhere in between, feeling compelled to remain stony but not actually able to cling so hard-linedly, when it comes down to it. And he's perfectly happy with that end result, given where along the separate spectrum from Addam to Amalthus it places him.

Still, Minoth is self-contained. Doesn't like to let his edges bleed over into others', even when he's giving his best helping hand. Boundaries above all, or his brain won't be happy for a long time coming. Something he and Jin can agree upon, and gladly.

So when Addam suggests a group watch for the three of them, time for quiet conversation and camaraderie, Minoth shoots Jin a look.

He's got to be crazy. Minoth will go for his princely whims, but Jin won't, and Addam knows it.


Jin is infinitesimally more likely to agree to anything when Minoth can put his own most serious consideration to it and decide that it's worth encouragement. And Minoth does like sleeping shoulder to shoulder with good mates, from time to time. He won't deny that.

Minoth rolls it around in his mind as he pulls down his ponytail - this a subtle enticement for Jin, not in any real sense of attraction but rather in a show of solidarity for those whose hair is long enough to take a downward bend (not that Jin's doesn't just spike straight downwards regardless, like icicles fastidiously yet disheveledly dripped).

"Jin doesn't need to be kept warm," Minoth says at last. He's not sure he can swing it, frankly, so he'd rather save Jin's patience, and his own, than haggle with the prince. Said prince, by the way, is keeping admirably non-puppy-dog as he looks from man to man, arms crossed and heel wedged against the rock behind him where their share of blankets (one large or two small, Minoth hasn't discerned) rests.

"Well, yes," Addam says. "It's not particularly cold out. I didn't mean that." He seems to only partially pick up on the fact that Minoth had spoken for Jin - Minoth's big on people not speaking for other people, even though Jin very often lets Lora speak for him.

Now, if Lora had said, oh Jin, I'm keeping watch with Minoth, will you join us, I'm sure it'll be so much good fun, and wrapped them both in a single blanket, leaving her own back and shoulders bare, he'd have groaned, like a supermassive entity up there grinding away in space, for a few moments, and then gone silent for a few moments more, and eventually relented.

Minoth gives Jin another look, one that says, think of it like that, won't you? Humans are just silly like that, and I won't push any more if you don't want me to.

Jin smiles, thinly. "It's alright. I'll sit with you."

Relieved, Addam bends to scoop up the blankets, and directs the other two to the base of a rock wall some fractio of a titanped away. They can't stray too far, of course, or the nominal purpose of their convenance will be out the window and off the dragon's back.

"You've got a lot to think about, Jin," Addam says, once they've settled. Minoth's gratified to see that he wasn't only putting on about the quiet conversation bit. "I want to support you however I can, but I'll need to know your clearest intent."

Jin nods, fingers secure in the socket-dips of his mask, held between his legs. A hand finds his left knee, then another his right.

It's a one-off circumstance, so small as to be a mere blip. This Minoth knows. But he appreciates the closeness all the same.

"I won't know until it's over," says Jin. "A lot could change."

"About the kids?"

The Paragon turns steely eyes toward Minoth's. "If we're going to settle, I'd like it to be...meaningful. A place others can find us should mean that others will, actually, find us."

It's a rare sentiment, one that gives Addam grateful pause.

"Will you help, Minoth?"

"So long as I'm welcome."

"As you are, I trust you." Jin moves his left hand to cover Minoth's, partially. "And Addam...I'm learning."

"I suppose you don't have to," Addam jokes limply. He's unprepared for the swivel of Jin's eyes, owlish.

"No. I don't."

Oh, Addam... Minoth cringes, from his third-party viewpoint to the exchange between controlled and controller. You're pathetic, aren't you?

"Take my trust as I give it to you," continues Jin. "I don't wish us to be enemies."

"I'd like us to be friends."

Icy eyes lid. "Maybe."