self-reflection disaster due to missing childhood

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

Gen | for bpdalfonse, familiarsound | 777 words | 2024-07-17 | Xeno Series

Minochi | Cole | Minoth & Laura | Lora

Minochi | Cole | Minoth, Laura | Lora, Shin | Jin, Kasumi | Fan la Norne | Haze

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Not Canon Compliant - Torna: The Golden Country, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Driver Swap (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), Drabble Sequence

What if Lora had found Minoth - as was her wont to do?

Chapter 01: Bladed Holly
Chapter 02: Panda Pansy
Chapter 03: Angel's Sage
Chapter 04: Ruska Flour
Chapter 05: Weeping Flour
Chapter 06: Melosian Honey
Chapter 07: Sunflower Rogue

"Look at his chest, Jin," Lora whispered. "I've never seen armor like that."

Haze chimed in, "Lady Lora, do you think he's a Blade?"

But no Blade could possibly thrive with their Core Crystal shuttered, such as this suspected article was. The man stiffened when he saw Lora's troupe staring his way, prompting Lora's next conclusion: "He must be hiding from his Driver... Jin, do you think we could help him out? Keep him out of battle, give him some new friends?"

What else could a Blade adrift do, but offer themselves mercenary?

The strength and skill with which he fought their assigned quarry pierced that theory straight through the heart.

"You've got Blade weapons," said Lora, matter-of-factly, even though that part wasn't in question.

"Easier than hitting a pack of Volff with a frying pan," returned the man.

Haze, standing just behind Lora, tilted her staff slightly, at the ready to defend her lady from smartarses. Jin, for his part, would have adamantly advised against this conversation, but who was he to deny Lora her most ardent curiosity?

Once the man came to understand that Lora's suspicion wouldn't be quelled by any other solution but the truth, he supplied his name and rank: "Minoth. Flesh Eater. Looking for a fourth for Coral Casino?"

But she wasn't put off. She was intrigued.

"A Flesh Eater..." Lora tried the mysterious, violent words, but chained to them no assumptions, grasped straws.

Minoth sighed. "An experimental Blade that can operate at full strength, without their Driver."

If he'd been approached by anyone Praetorium-reminiscent, his line would have been a hard one, revealing nothing. But Lora, it appeared, was like Addam. She sought no conscious advantages, projected only signals of harm-none and trust-me and "I never knew Blades like that existed."

Immediately followed by, "These are Jin and Haze. Will you join us, after all?"

He should have turned on heel, should have bolted right back to isolation.

But Haze had lowered her crosier.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Ugh, Jin, I'm starving!"

For Minoth's first shared meal with his new companions, excepting trail rations, they'd camped just outside Feltley, no bones upon their usual routine.

"Minoth, what do you like to eat?"

"Ahh...dumplings, sandwiches, stir-fry? Anything savory. I might not look it," Minoth thumped his chest sarcastically, "but I'm a hearty sort."

"Perfect! We've got some Feris meat to go with the fresh Volff, and enough flour and onion to make it nice and filling." Lora turned, beaming, to her Blades. "Have I got that right, Jin?"

As Jin nodded, Haze put in her vote to gather a little veg, too. "You don't mind, do you, Master Minoth?"

"Need a hand with anything, Jin?"

Though Minoth had been traveling with them for several days, Jin still looked upon him as he would any newcomer to the camp; cool and measured, not unfriendly but not exactly friendly either.

He recognized the genuine effort to make a connection. It wasn't unwelcome. But Lora...

Lora was easily attached. Minoth seemed to be an individual who was easily detached, of his own doing.

Still, Jin sized Minoth up, shot another glance to his knives.

"If we dig a firepit, our camp will be more secure. It's a job for two."

"More bugs for me, then."

"You'll clear them, for Haze?"

"You got it."

Fighting alongside Lora and her Blades was a true thrill. Unlike clumsy, crude mercenaries from Mor Ardain and Uraya, they had a battle style that flowed, protecting each other with the same breaths that synchronized each strike at the beasts they hunted. Clever switches from rear to vanguard and back again kept Haze safe at all times and the monsters off-balance.

And Jin tossed Lora his nodachi. The first time Minoth saw it happen, he gasped as if the wind had been knocked out of him.

Imagine doing that. Imagine trusting like that.

Imagine having someone who would hold you that confidently.

Minoth exhaled, tightening his grip on his guns.


Minoth stared at the Titan ship preparing to embark for Gormott as if it were an alien vessel, and not the very device that had transported him to Torna in the first place.

Only then did Lora realize.

"Oh. You're not coming with us, are you?"

Before Minoth could open his mouth to confirm, or deny, or start to think about it, Lora continued, "I know it's all been quite sudden."

Famous last words, eh?

Haze was biting her lip, holding back tears. Jin was frowning - a real frown.

"As most new things are."


He nodded. "All aboard."

Lora grinned, pumped both fists in succession.

"You're coming with me, treasure!"