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General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

F/F | for SuperNerd92 | 323 words | 2023-05-30 | Xeno Series | AO3

Ghondor (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Eunie (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Eunie (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Ghondor (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)


Good to get it all out in the open, right?

Good to get it all out in the open, right?

That's what Eunie figures. When you know nothing, the best - and really only, no matter what eggheads might crack on about - way to get some info in your nog is to go out there and do it, whatever it is.

Paired with that, if it's not a solo activity, you're best finding someone else who's done it before, rather 'n muckin' about with another shiny spoon.

Eunie's erring on the side of thinking she'll probably like this whole kissing thing, more than not. Even lacking preconceived notions about age gaps, she figures Ghondor is her best bet.

And a pretty good bet it is, when she saunters up to good ol' Wrathfist, the great and terrible, and asks to have one planted on her.

No embarrassment, no waffling. Just let's you an' me do it, eh?

Ghondor sneers, and sneers, and sneers. Maybe cackles a bit, too. Then, she says, "Well, you're a pretty pretty bird, ain't ya?"

And then she does it, all lips and muscly hands on cheeks, and Eunie feels just about knocked out.

Like someone tugged on her feathers, hard, but just right, and because she asked them to - which she did! That's got its own bit of thrill, don't it? Somethin' you can do with others besides fighting and taking a bath.

Or maybe...a mix of all? Lots of extras, here on the streets of the City. Anything you ask and agree upon, together. Right in the sweet spot.

"Can I have a go?" And now she's tentative, but Ghondor grins, says sure. Why not?

(Eunie'll learn about the great and egregious myth of body count a little later, and perhaps start to correlate ease of experimentation with league of experience, and get herself off on the same foot, for good. Never let the innocent ones learn shame, right? So Ghondor will always be the best teacher.)