This Is It, Rael

Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M*A*S*H (TV 1972)

M/M | for invallid, cowboyhippie | 100 words | 2023-03-09 | the lamb | AO3

Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce/B.J. Hunnicutt

Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, B.J. Hunnicutt

Drabble, Inspired by Music, Source: Genesis, Source: Peter Gabriel

It's not that saying words is hard - jesus, he's said so many inconsequential nonsense words over the course of this hellacious hovel-knocker campaign that it's a wonder anyone takes him seriously anymore!

There it is. That's the trouble. He's pretty sure he's convinced himself that what he wants to say - needs to, even if he doesn't want to - is true, but convincing other people is...a little more difficult.

It's a litmus test. And he could haul out the test kit, or he could just carry on pretending that the empirical evidence will serve.

He's a surgeon, not a chemist.