each orifice disgracing, one facing me moves to say hellay

Teen And Up Audiences | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death | Xenoblade Chronicles X (Video Game)

Gen | for MachineryField | 100 words | 2023-03-24 | the lamb | AO3

Lin Lee Koo & Lao Huang

Lin Lee Koo, Lao Huang

Drabble, Inspired by Music, Source: Genesis, Source: Peter Gabriel

Lao doesn't really speak, during the battle with the chimera form. Only grunts and moans accompany each sweep of the winged arm, the horrible hundred-handed fingers, before he realizes Luxaar's fear, losing touch with his own.

Different body? Who cares? Just like Elma said: we all wake up each day as different organisms than we were the night before, cells morphing and changing. Lying there, broken, his voice still finds a way to issue from behind those gnashing teeth.

That shouldn't be possible, since vocal cords... But then, mims...

Doesn't matter. His voice still reaches.

This can't be the end.