it is chicken, it is eggs

Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Night Shift (Movie 1982)

F/M | for JujYFru1T | 100 words | 2022-10-11 | the lamb | AO3

Belinda Keaton/Chuck Lumley

Belinda Keaton, Chuck Lumley

Drabble, Inspired by Music, Source: Genesis, Source: Peter Gabriel

Whenever he and Belinda were alone, Chuck couldn't stop thinking about that watch.

The watch that didn't exist, that is; the watch that had never left a pale mark in cold-pressed strip along the underside of a vein-lined wrist; the watch that never had to be shucked off in the phase transition between barenaked eggmaking and...wordplay given however you'd will.

She was so soft, unregimented, yet with all her lines in exactly the right places. He'd nose along her jaw, breast in hand and mind already whimpering, going numb for the enormity of promise.

She came out of time.