in spades

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xeno Series (Video Games)

Gen | for MachineryField | 200 words | 2023-04-06 | Prompt Fills | AO3

Jan Sauer | Ziggurat 8 | Ziggy, Rein | Reyn

Asexuality, Drabbles

100-word Xeno series character drabbles, with the theme being, of course, asexuality.

Chapter 01: Ziggy
Chapter 02: Reyn

It would be nothing less than disturbing if his cyborg body was what prevented him from feeling sexual desire and attraction. He'd be left wondering if that was truly a key part of the human condition, inexorable and shame-strafed, tied with zippers to original sin like the stem of an apple, fiber-fleshy, struck in to the coring seeds.

It wasn't the way he'd choose to go about deciding that his humanity had, in fact, been relinquished, certainly.

But Ziggy didn't have that problem. He'd been asexual before his death, and he was content for that familiar pattern to continue, unimpeded.

Within Reyn's overall larger-than-life persona, he didn't find being ace to be much of a dim spot. Yeah, sure, it wasn't what people would expect, from a lumbering Defence Force soldier with appetite and grin outsize enough to give the anti-air batteries something to complain about, but it was also...freeing.

Free of expectations to treat a girl or a guy this way or that. Free of worrying about if what you'd just done was safe, for sure. Free of anyone else's timeline, if his preferences changed. Free of wondering if a friendship would be ruined.

Just himself. Just Reyn.