Prompt Fills
Individual works each compiling a smattering of fandom crossover pairings/characters or systematic expansion of a single pairing/concept, usually in drabbles and usually for prompts of some kind, such as matched to movements of an orchestral suite or key lyrics of a song. Probably originally posted to AO3 as multichapter and might contain elements of fleshed-out headcanon or incorrect quotes. 127,673 / 53
I could reference back and remember that Minoth either is or isn't exactly as I imagine him. Or I could just keep on imagining him...
Variations on a theme: Minoth, migration, and assimilation.
C(13,2) shuffled as necessary: my characteristic weakness at work.
I wanted to practice a direct style and unfocus on the word count.
It didn't work out, and it was never going to. Maybe that's a good thing.
Two little ladies, acting just as ladies should - enjoying each other's company, that is!
(collection of rarepair drabbles by request - six months later)
Your favorite floral family...
Femslash February 2024 title cleanup!
(collection of ship drabbles by request)
Post with instructions to hijack:
Following an adventure in the browser console to retrieve the prior entries I hadn't written down, here are the discards from my XSW experiment. Primarily platonic except where it would be funny to do something else. Completed in year later.
Let's suppose Minoth hangs onto a surviving Torna. What next?
(collection of kiss drabbles by request)
100-word Xeno series drabbles sourced from what might be used as a character matchup generator.
100-word Xeno series character drabbles, with the theme being, of course, asexuality.
Bio/demographic information for my OC depiction of Addam's wife, each bit in the form of a 100-word drabble.
The world is beautiful, due to the people living in it. (playlist here)
Persistence runs, cold and hot. (playlist here)
But did you know that when it snows...
She is like nothing else they have known.
She is like nothing else they have known.
I didn't tag this character study...but it's basically character study. You'll see.
Mythra comes together. (playlist here)
I can't think of a particularly respectable way to set this. Just trust me.
(drabble series, and a slightly more bona fide reason for the word count)
(femslash, because i can)
If it's difficult to focus on the kindest truth, then might I suggest looking at each other? (he/she Kirk - they/them Spock)
(collection of ship drabbles based on requests with emoji prompts)
Sometimes you just need the important questions answered.
(I had a prompt list in image form, and I don't remember where it came from. Enjoy the result of the transcription.)
(I had a prompt list in image form, and I don't remember where it came from. Enjoy the result of the transcription.)
([primarily spirk] tag scenes for my TOS rewatch, by episode even though they aren't tagged individually)
"I feel as if any encounter that takes us apart from one another must be awfully contrived."
"And this one is...?"
"Giddyup, Mythra. Embrace it."
"And this one is...?"
"Giddyup, Mythra. Embrace it."
A collection of "m"slash drabbles, based on Maurice Ravel's Gaspard Suite.
A loose sequence of spirk drabbles, inspired by the eponymous suite, as is my way.
A collection of femslash drabbles, based on Maurice Ravel's Miroirs Suite.
(relationships that are inflected with a certain sort of unbalance and imperative)
sleep...won't you allow yourself fall?
There's minoade everywhere you look.
As the saying goes...
(collection of ship drabbles based on requests with emoji prompts)
I happen to think that there's, oh, everything in it.
The reviews on floraminoade are as follows: "very sweet. hugs and kisses." But the foundation is slightly more richly inflected than that, I find.
Sometimes I have to do what I have to do.
A collection of "mslash" drabbles, based on Gustav Holst's The Planets.
A collection of femslash drabbles, based on Maurice Ravel's Mother Goose Suite.
The group has many ways of offering each member their individual affection. Shall we call it love languages? No, I don't think so, but there is after all something to it. And in fabulous processional order...
A collection of femslash drabbles, based on this post.
I'm a simple creature. I see a post detailing possible avenues/flavors in which to write minoade, I go.
You can't fit the span of all emotive possibility into just ten minutes. But you can try - if you have a theme, that is.
A series of character pieces, based on a series of character pieces.
The moon looms maroon, on Thursdays.
[Whumptober collection, with a little extra treat in the last chapter.]
[Whumptober collection, with a little extra treat in the last chapter.]
The worst conglomeration of tags you ever did or didn't want to see, and all the same concepts we've always been peddling. This won't be absolutely anyone's cup of tea, indeed it may even be slightly problematic, and I apologize in advance.
They all share hugs, before the final battle. And, well...that was probably a good idea.