at your request

Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles Series (Video Games)

Multi | for MachineryField, ignisring | 1054 words | 2024-07-30 | Prompt Fills

Vasara | Perceval/Wadatsumi | Aegaeon, Lanz (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Taion (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Fiorung | Fiora/Rein | Reyn/Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)

Face Units (Xenoblade Chronicles)

Sketches, Anthology

I wanted to practice a direct style and unfocus on the word count.

Chapter 01: perceon (for Belmont)
Chapter 02: lanzaion (for Reyn)
Chapter 03: face units (for Belmont)
Chapter 04: shioreyn (for Reyn)

u should write perceval/aegeaon for me, w percy being a flesh eater rather than tied to a specific driver /JOKE

"A Flesh Eater? But, then, who...?"

"My former Driver," replies Perceval, as if it's obvious. Which it is - what else to have done with them? And Perceval an assassin so efficient. No, it only stands to reason.

"I had assumed you had been awakened by the Lady Mòrag prior to my own reawakening."

"To assume, dear Aegaeon, is to make an ass out of you and of me."

Well. This is the first time Aegaeon has known a Flesh Eater, personally. Save for Cole, but even then (five hundred years ago, then) he's not sure how much he really knew. An appreciation of aesthetics, perhaps, with memory enough to serve it.

"So, the Eater of is literal?"

But then, Aegaeon has always done quite well with being literal.

Perceval shakes his head, a grim quarter turn in each direction. "Not so. My battle skills, my Arts...they did not change. Neither did my attitude, instantaneously. I simply saw that if I were to be a hypocrite, my violence would continue. But I am alive, as one. And so, in my endeavors, I do not kill; merely incapacitate."

Such self-determination is exceedingly rare, for a Blade. Aegaeon has never had to consider his personal politics in such a way. He has always been as the Empire has willed it. And it is not to say that for a Flesh Eater to turn violent is the only logical path. Who could have foreseen that Jin...?

"I find myself in awe of you, Perceval."

The Demon Blade stares directly into Aegaeon's soul. "And we will work together."

okay I recommend lanzaion… your prompt: gender euphoria

"Hey, Taion, lemme see that."

Turning up her empty hands and looking over her shoulder for a stray Mondo with its corner pointed at something in specific but finding none, Taion frowns. "See...what, exactly?" It's not necessarily out of character for Lanz to make reference to some object Taion hadn't even thought worth consideration, but never would she suspect that the thing Lanz is considering is her chin - or, jaw? which Lanz roughly, yet gently, takes in hand.

His thumb strokes over the peach fuzz at the base of her cheek, and though Taion is bewildered, she starts to feel a blush rise from that very spot.


He grins, removing his hand and patting the side of her face, twice, softly. "Pret-ty neat. I figured it must have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but no, your jawline's gotten a lot softer."


Now Taion's blush turns furious. It's what she'd hoped for, of course, but she never would have known how to bring it up to Lanz. And after all, she'd been so completely bony... But now, that's changing. How lovely.

Lanz's victorious conclusion, none so existential, is to run index finger under his own jaw and declare with a snap, "And mine's still goin' strong!"

smthn smthn that one post abt subs unionizing is egil and the face units

"You're not thinking of scabbing, are you, Nemesis?"

She ignores Metal Face's disgusting prod and turns to Jade Face. Holding hands before his eyes, he seeks to calibrate the artifical sensor in the right, but continually becomes frustrated with the irreplicable capacity of the left. Favoring that shoulder turret will have to do...

"I admit," Jade Face says, making it clear that he had been tuned into their conversation, "there is not much for us to do without Egil's blessing. We are yet machines."

Face Nemesis nods. "And Xord - have you truly no greater ambition than to eat Homs?"

He swings his hammer back and forth, considering. "Don't I do it better than the rest?"

"This is a load of malarkey!" Metal Face cries. "We're killers. We kill! We have enormous power and we use it. Don't tell me you're going to start raving about that Lady Meyneth's pacifism. Look at you - the most elegant body, and you don't even use it."

At a red flash from Face Nemesis's eyes, Metal Face quiets, but remains crotchety.

"It's freedom you want? To go to the Bionis whenever you wish?"

Perhaps they're simply sick of complaining to Egil when they're hungry.

"He needs us to do his dirty work, doesn't he?"

[lame ass boyfriend post] but Fiora and Reyn about Shulk

Fiora yawns and gives the beanbag chair a lazy punch. "Are you hungry, Reyn?"

"I would be if I wasn't in so much pain - ow, Fiora!"

She sticks her tongue out at him as he reacts to the second, purposeful punch. "I guess we should probably wait for Shulk. Or go get him from the lab, more like."

"Are you sure he's always in there? Like, how could anybody possibly be in the same place all the time like that?"

"You're always here when you're not doing drills," Fiora points out, mouth full of Dark Grape. "Little suspicious, if you ask me."

Without warning, she straightens up, sending her elbow directly into Reyn's sore abdomen.


Reyn's emphatic complaint goes ignored.

"That reminds me! I was talking to Emmy the other day, and you know what she said? Oh, I meant to tell you right away, but then I got in a tiff with Dunban, and I forgot."

"Emmy Leater's goss is bigger news than you an' Dunban havin' a tiff? Strike me, Fiora."

Fiora's darted eyes say "don't touch it, Reyn," so he doesn't, but he give a calculated crack or three of knuckles.

"So anyway, I was talking to her about Shulk's research, and you know what she said?"

"You asked me that already."

"She said," Reyn grimaces as grape-stained fingers graze his cheeks and pinch them into a Piranhax face, "that Shulk's nice and all, but she doesn't get it. Doesn't get it! Thinks he's scrawny!"

"I mean, Fio, he is-"

"Shulk is not scrawny! He's adorable, and small enough to pick up, and-"

"-and cute as a Bunniv, I know."

Since Reyn doesn't seem to be getting it, Fiora decides she'll have to amp up her offense a detent.

"She said," and Fiora affected haughty, because Emmy was a nice gal but she could be, a little, "it doesn't reflect well on you, Reyn."

In his haste, Reyn nominates his head to be the next candidate for punishment, hitting it square into a beam in the ceiling. Reyn, who always considers that his friendship - his relationship - with Shulk is one of the most redeeming qualities about him and his lunkheaded self.

"She WHAT?"