
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Video Game), Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game), Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game), Xenoblade Chronicles X (Video Game), Xenogears (Video Game), Xenosaga (Video Games)

F/F | for dreamingthroughwords, familiarsound | 500 words | 2022-06-25 | Prompt Fills | AO3

Celica (Xenoblade Chronicles X)/Mia (Xenoblade Chronicles X), Shion Uzuki/Elehayym Van Houten, Carna | Sharla/Meleph | Mòrag Ladair, Alexandria (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Ashera (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Saika | Pandoria/KOS-MOS (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Celica (Xenoblade Chronicles X), Mia (Xenoblade Chronicles X), Shion Uzuki, Elehayym Van Houten, Carna | Sharla, Meleph | Mòrag Ladair, Alexandria (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Ashera (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Saika | Pandoria, KOS-MOS (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Drabble Collection, Vignettes, Crossover Pairings, Inspired by Music, Source: Maurice Ravel

A collection of femslash drabbles, based on Maurice Ravel's Miroirs Suite.

i give you: women. mwah

Chapter 01: Noctuelles (Moths)
Chapter 02: Oiseaux tristes (Crestfallen birds)
Chapter 03: Une barque sur l'océan (A boat on the ocean)
Chapter 04: Alborada del gracioso (Morning song)
Chapter 05: La vallée des cloches (The valley of bells)

i have nothing to say. aawagga

The picnic with Mia and Rock was, indeed, just as delightful as it had first sounded, and as Mia herself had earnestly promised thereafter.

Not only was there a delicious salad prepared from the fruits of both Noctilum and Sylvalum (unless Mia had been lying, and she'd just picked it up from the Nopon Bazaar on their way out of NLA, but this quite honestly didn't occur to the demure Qlurian), but there were gentle touches, and soft sounds, as if they had become wholly immersed into nature.

As if...as if eyelash kisses were the most tenacious moths' wings.

more of a symbolic/abstract thing as/though i have been burned by ostensibly harmless age gaps before

Mournful sounds.

They both knew such mournful sounds. The chime of the pendant, the haunt of the song...

And they pointed their noses forward, messy but elegant in their flight. And they became ready to accept all that they had ever been, and all that they still had the chance to be.

"Shion," asked Elly, "do you know who you are?"

Shion did not read it as coy. She looked away, before looking back into Elly's eyes, and answered honestly, "I hope we can both find out."

As the military, as the boundless scientia. Their cruel worlds.

"Separately, or together."

mind palace where Sharla is the actual age she looks

They went sailing, on the new sea. Quite literally, their boat rocked perilously on the ocean.

Mòrag was quite businesslike; she didn't see the point of such leisurely endeavors when restoration work had yet to be done.

Sharla didn't either, if she was being honest, and she didn't expect for the two of them to do anything but bond, lightly, and then return to others who knew them better, who knew them best.

She was wrong, though.

She underestimated the lilting caress of the boat's rock, oars in their docks, and calloused hands meeting beneath the bench in the hull.

heehoo girls pretty

"Rise and shine, Lex!"

If Alexandria hadn't just set down her Blade, the whip likely would have flung full out and smacked her addressor in the face.

"Ash!" Her tone was warning, but not angry.

"Right here, darling."

Was that steam coming out of Alexandria's ears, or just the first batch of fresh leclati at a nearby food stall? Impossible to tell, really, and Ashera didn't seem to be bothered enough to care.

"Wait a minute... I thought you said you weren't a morning person."

Ashera grinned, and it wasn't even groggily. "So maybe I lied. How's that for strategy?"


"C'mooon, Kosy. If you're supposed to give top priority to your Driver, and MY prince is your Driver, then shouldn't you be perfectly happy to cuddle with me?"

...check: "That is, I mean, if you want to. So. I guess I should ask. Do you want to?"

KOS-MOS didn't smile, never smiled, hardly ever indicated any measure of satisfaction at all; there was a marked difference between satisfaction and success, concerning status reports.

"I do not believe 'want' is a factor in this decision. I am capable, and I see no issue preventing this."

"Sooo...that's a yes?"
