(the last) hugs

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

Gen | for mirensiart | 4994 words | 2021-07-14 | Prompt Fills | AO3

Laura | Lora, Shin | Jin, Kasumi | Fan la Norne | Haze, Adel Orudou | Addam Origo, Hikari | Mythra, Minochi | Cole | Minoth, Yuugo Eru Superbia | Hugo Ardanarch, Kagutsuchi | Brighid, Wadatsumi | Aegaeon

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Found Family, Hugs

They all share hugs, before the final battle. And, well...that was probably a good idea.


Chapter 01: Lora
Chapter 02: Jin
Chapter 03: Haze
Chapter 04: Addam
Chapter 05: Mythra
Chapter 06: Minoth
Chapter 07: Hugo
Chapter 08: Brighid
Chapter 09: Aegaeon

Jin is, well, taller than her. He always has been. It's not like she ever had much of a choice. Her head tucks right into where the space of his breastplate should be cold and unforgiving, but isn't; his heart would beat for her, if he had one. Sometimes she feels that he must have, but then maybe that's just Jin.

Haze, then, is her same height. Same height, same eyes, same chin, but not same hair, and for that she is thankful as she runs her fingers idly through it. No, not idly. She is conscious of the choice. Or at least, she wants to be. She will be, she promises. Soon.

Well, not to continue on about heights, but Addam is tall again. His arms are warm, broad. He whispers, "We'll make it through, Lora," and she nods firmly as she pulls back to look him in the eye. They can't but. He might not always know what to do, but the two of them together are indeed never lost. They'll make it.

Mythra...she's shaking. Lora has never felt particularly motherly, but in this moment she tries to give the benefit of all her experience, whatever that is, to the shivering Aegis. "It's okay, Mythra. I believe in you." She grins, but her smile still wobbles. A promise. It's okay.

Minoth - still on about the heights! Because he practically towers over her, he's the tallest of them all. He deserves to be, for the size of his presence - stage presence, right? The leather of his armor is more soft and yielding than she would have expected. "Make us proud, lady knight," he says, but she can tell he's worried. She's not. She knows he'll do the same.

Either she's going to have to bend down when she hugs Hugo, or he's going to have to tip up on the balls of his feet, there's no way around it. She feels bad thinking of his height as if it's supposed to be funny but, well, it is. Someone of his station, but the stature so unassuming. "We are brothers and sisters in arms, Lora," he says proudly. Oh, she knows it, and she's proud too. In arms and out of them, she hopes.

Brighid is warm, of course she is, but there's a particular heat today. Today, tonight? It's nighttime. Brighid glows. "It'll be a joy to watch you in battle one last time, Brighid," Lora says fondly. The Fire Blade is constantly preening just by dint of her expression, but she preens a little more, and then she tempers it. Not too much of a joy. Never too much.

Aegaeon is awkward, but then she's awkward too. What can you do? But his strong arms brace tight, and she feels the courageous push of a tidal wave. "I will be your shield, Lady Lora. For all of you." He's always the first in front to protect them all, but that's okay - he never gets hit anyway.

Lora...he's always sworn to protect her. When she leans into his chest for a hug, of course he returns it, and lays his hand over the crown of her head. She was once so small, and she still feels small to him. If any harm should come to her...that will be a stark day in his life. He knows that it's that way for all Blades, but nevertheless.

He and Haze are partners, yet the way she looks so like Lora makes it hard to not see himself as acting father, brother, protector to both of them in the same stride. If he built a cage of ice around their Driver, Haze would drive all the monsters away before they even had the chance to attack. He pulls her in. "Stay close, Haze."

Addam says all the words that Jin does not. He doesn't feel the need to. Yet, he doesn't feel that Addam is overly talkative. What would they do without his buoying spirit, after all? He inspires warmth in the Ice Blade. Jin is proud to wrap arms about shoulders and say, "Let's get this done, Addam."

After all this time, Jin still isn't quite sure what to make of Mythra. Or rather, what he feels about her. He also feels that she is like a younger sister, but not in the same way as Lora or Haze. No, she's a little brattier than that, but that's okay. He smiles as he brings her head in to his chest. "If we win, I'll make you your favorite." She smirks back - apparently she intends to. "When we win." Indeed she does.

Minoth is a great conversationalist, much as his surrogate Driver. He's artful, wry. He even makes Jin laugh, from time to time. A solid companion, indeed. "I know you won't let us down, Minoth." "I don't plan to." He's serious. Good.

Jin is proud to serve Hugo (none of the itching qualms he might have about the title of Master does he have when referring to him as Lord). The emperor is dedicated to his people, as any good ruler should be. If there's a good human in power he could point out to Mythra, Hugo would be it. Jin's embrace tries to be just as dedicated in return.

Brighid is fierce, a warrior through and through. They share a similar mindset, when fighting. When not, she can be a little too catty for his tastes. Still, he'll excuse that, because now is the time for fighting. Now is the time for every spare shred of emotion that will work towards your goal - their goal. "It's time, Brighid. Dance the dance."

He and Aegaeon have always shared careful, insightful conversation. They are both sworn protectors, both men of the blade (even as much as they are men of the Blades), both serious and steadfast. Neither is prone to hugging, and that makes it a little difficult, but perhaps that is to be appreciated. Difficult things are worth striving for.

She's always eager to hug Lady Lora - she doesn't get to nearly enough. It's not as if Jin is the one stealing too many hugs, though, it's just that their journey has been arduous as of late, and there's always something to do, someone else to help. Haze doesn't mind, because she enjoys helping very much, but she enjoys embracing her lady just as much, if not more. When this is all over, she'll have to make sure to do it even more often.

She loves Jin, she truly does, and they've bonded over more than just their mutual oath by birth to protect Lady Lora. She knows that she's chatty and he's not, she's fearful and he's not; they're great opposites, suffice it to say. She's glad Jin is her partner Blade. She hopes they're never separated.

Master Addam is always so caring towards her. Well, he's caring towards everyone, but that doesn't make the warmth he radiates any less sweet. If she discounts the ghost story situation, and she does, he's always ready to let her know that he believes in her, that he's counting on her, that she's a valued member of his team as much as she is for Lady Lora. She circles her arms about his waist easily. "You have my trust, Master Addam." She can feel his smile in return.

She may cast her most snappy shade in Mythra's direction fairly often, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for her. Not at all! Mythra can actually give really good hugs, when she tries, and she does try for Haze. It really is more appreciable than a simple "Thanks, Haze. You're nice." But she is nice, and it's lovely that Mythra can know it. Mythra...she's nice too.

There's something so fierce in her that always stirs when she thinks about the cruelties that Quaestor Amalthus has inflicted against and upon Master Minoth. She hugs just as fiercely then, and feels him laugh with affection. She likes his laugh quite a lot, and she's glad he can laugh with them now. It would be terrible for him to have to be on his own again after they all die. At least he'll have Mythra, she'll remember.

Lord Hugo is an inspiration. He's so young, but so unwavering, and so gracious. She tries to be like that, but she's not sure she always succeeds. Whenever Jin or Aegaeon make their favorite vegetables to go with the main meal, she can't stop herself from pouncing on the pot, and Hugo always lets her go first, without fail. Maybe she should try to be even more reserved in future. To him now, she just says, "Lord Hugo, I have your back." "And I yours, Haze," he says, and pats the same gently.

Lady Brighid is, for whatever reason, always the first to suggest that Haze stay a little farther back. They all do it, but Brighid most of all. She appreciates the consideration, to be sure, but she's not so small, is she? It's her job to heal - what would they do without her? In fact, that's just what Brighid says as she holds Haze close to her chest. "What would we do without you, Haze?" Haze just smiles. What, indeed.

Master Aegaeon, just as Master Addam, is always so sweet to her. Come to think of it, Blades don't have fathers, but they're a little bit like hers. Only, if she did have a father, she's pretty sure they wouldn't try to sneak her sweets at every slightest opportunity. She enjoys them anyway - they're given with love, after all. She gives her embrace with much of the same.

He's always been an only child, of course, and faced the scorn of being the runt regardless, but Lora is so like his sister, golden eyes and all, that he's rather glad he hasn't ever had to give that title to anyone else. She's strong and sweet, and he wants to be like her just as much as he thinks she wants to be like him. If she had been Mythra's Driver...ah, well, no time for that now. "We'll be needing your strength, Lora." Of course they will.

Jin is there to protect Lora, and then to do so much more. He doesn't like fighting, and Addam admires that. He certainly didn't get Lora's whippersnapper tendencies, but then she was only ten when he had the chance, so that's that figured. "You're a true paragon, Jin." The very one is unwavering as they embrace.

It was hard, before they met Haze, not having a healer. Her winds blow true, and he can't imagine not having her around now. She looks like a priestess, almost not fit for the battlefield, but if she wasn't out there fighting with them, then who would she be? Such is the nature of Blades, he supposes. But hugs...anyone can use a hug, Blade or not. He gives one, and she squeezes close in response.

He pours every last bit of his care into the embrace when he and Mythra hug. If he can't get his fear straight, he can at least supply to her this support, to uplift her at least that much. "You know, I'm really glad it was me that got to awaken you, Mythra," he says. He's said it before, but she's never wanted to listen. She burrows tighter when she hears it now.

It's so hard to believe that Minoth has finally come around to fighting alongside him - and not just alongside him, but with him. Together. Addam never wanted a Blade, and he still doesn't, but he doesn't think it's playing favorites to be glad that he's got his old friend around. "You and I, together, Minoth." The gloved hands wrap tight. "You know it, my prince."

Hugo...oh, Hugo. A dear old friend if he's ever known one. It is, all in all, truly disappointing how the ways and means of the world disrupted their lives when they each and both were and are so reluctant to take up a ruler's mantle. This, however, they can do. "Let's show Malos what we've got, eh, dear Hugo?" he says, and holds him close, just like old times.

Brighid's always been someone whose esteem he's tried to earn, and hasn't always succeeded in gaining. Over these past few weeks, however, he can see that he finally has - and that makes it sound like he thinks he deserves it de facto, but that's not quite true. She is a jewel, indeed. "Let's make it a good one, Brighid." She smiles, a slight thing. "I know we will, Addam."

When he was younger, Addam might have tended to be a bit more of a ruffian than palace officials should like, and Aegaeon, though loyal to the end, may still be remembering of some of that swagger. Now he's more of an worrier than an admonisher, though. "Remember not to make too much in haste, Master Addam." Addam closes in, and says softly yet firmly, "I've got it, Aegaeon. Don't you worry."

Lora's always been a little too peppy, a little too gung-ho about their next fight. Mythra checks that thought for a moment; she's gung-ho too, and they always snipe at her for it. Guess you just need the right kind of enthusiasm. At least she has a good example. The hug is pretty great too. Lora might just know a thing or two about her, after all.

Jin's a little shady, sometimes. Always bothering her with jabs about how coarse she is, how unrefined, and rare because of that. But she's learned. From watching him, she's learned. And hey, she even likes steamed vegetables now. She peeps up on tiptoes to jut her chin over his shoulder, and she can swear she feels him smile.

Mythra wasn't born with a sister, only a jerk brother that they're about to go kill, but Haze is definitely like her little sister. Definitely. They eat snacks together, they tease Minoth together, they do embroidery together (that is, Haze does it and Mythra looks on with half wonder, half shock), and...they fight together. As young as Mythra is, Haze feels even more delicate, more fragile. Anything happening to her might well be the sharpest blow.

Addam's never really hugged her, in this whole year. Oh, she can tell there have been times when he's wanted to, but it's not like she wasn't grateful for the restraint. Now, though...she almost tackles him, and he schools his surprise in an instant to hug back. She feels a little less grateful then - towards herself, that is, for making him hesitant before. She needed this.

Minoth has so much pride, so much. She knows why she has it, because she's the Aegis, but his Core isn't right, and he knows that. It thrums against her cheek when he pulls her in. "Curtain's about to go up. Are you ready?" She's ready.

Hugo was always a friend to her, despite the watchful glances from his Blades. He answered her questions with patience and warmth, and she encouraged him to get into a little more mischief than is probably appropriate for an emperor. She wraps her arms tight around his shoulders, even with the pauldrons - hey, would you look at that? They match.

She can't really bring herself to hug Brighid, but then she also can't not. The purple flames bounce their glow off her Core and armor, and yeah, it's really, really pretty. "Don't do anything reckless, Mythra," Brighid says, but Mythra's response of "You too, Brighid," is heartfelt. Brighid knows it, or at least Mythra would like to think she does.

Aegaeon...Aegaeon's a funny guy. Judges her sometimes, but also is the best supporter you could probably ever ask for. She tries to say thanks with her hug. He smiles, maybe is about to say something inane, then stops himself and tries again. "I will follow your lead, Lady Mythra." Hey, no pressure, right?

Whenever Lora takes a tumble on the battlefield, he's the first to step over her way and offer a hand to pull her up. The thing about that is that most times she happens to think he pulls up just a little too hard. Hey, big personality, small person. She'd be perfect for the stage. Still, his hug is gentle as can be this time - he's almost afraid she'll roast him for veering too hard in the other direction. Gotta strike that balance!

Jin, their resident man of few words, and he, their man of many. Nice contrast, counterpoint; a foil, even. It was a solid cast they'd amassed in their travels - well, but he was the latest addition, so who was he to say? Jin had been walking this road the longest, hadn't he. Minoth gives his applause in the form of a reassuring, esteeming embrace.

Haze is adorable. She's always been adorable. The sweetheart character, but with that classic hidden depth of tenacity. Minoth can't help but indulge in caring for her, because her ever-present cheeriness is a light, and even he is too dark sometimes. He folds her in to his chest, and wishes that she'll never lose that spirit. He couldn't bear to write her any other way.

He can all but feel the bond between him and his prince when they embrace. Oh, it's a wonderful thing. If he stays too long, his gaze will start panning out, searching over the hazy landscape. So, he doesn't stay too long. Focus, Addam, focus. Time for the final push.

Mythra, Mythra, Mythra. A walking light show in word and deed. Fascinating young woman Addam picked up, but he's proud of her for how far she's come even just in the time he's known her. Perhaps some of it was due to his influence, his example, too, but he won't take too much credit. Just a little bit. He tries to support her again, now, and, well, he thinks he's brought it off effectively enough. Brava, Mythra.

The young Master Hugo is always a marvel to behold, even now as they share eye contact and clap hands on backs, standing together. The emperor wasn't wrong, all those nights ago at the first campfire site. They're tightly bonded, for their cause and independent of it. They all are.

Brighid is lovely as ever - her he'd pick for a leading lady without so much as a moment's deliberation. She fights without deliberation herself, yet she's always cool and calculated for all her heat. He hugs her tight. At least in his long-arcing lifetime, he'll always know where to find her.

Aegaeon doesn't necessarily have a mind for the drama. Well, maybe he does, but if it shows itself it's always by accident. At making an opening, however, there is none better. His step is sure, his strike is true; Minoth is proud to fight alongside him, and show that pride here and now. As he is, of course, with them all.

Lora probably isn't someone his brother would ever deign to have in a court audience, perhaps due to her apprehension about ever stepping foot into a formal setting that has handicapped her in the same. That's fine, though, because she's still a wonderful companion out here in the wild, on the battlefield. Yes, indeed, she wouldn't be up to his "stern taskmastering" if she tried to become as uber-refined as he is, but that's alri-! Oof, her hug is enthusiastic.

He has said time and again that Jin's fury is a sight to behold. It is, indeed, but he does of course prefer the Ice Blade when he is not furious, when he is calm and even-keeled. It's rather an even split between the two right now. Their monsters are all raging, roiling inside. "We shall do it, Jin. I believe in us." Jin's grip tightens. Hugo hopes that he is just as sure.

Haze is a lovely friend to have, always so positive and always ready to help someone in need - that is how he strives to be, you see. It is the helping part of ruling that matters, and only the helping. Honor, glory...if they are not your own personal holds, then they are only a different coating for bloodlust. Haze does not have that. "Show me what you've got, Haze." Her halo flickers around his brooch as he rests his head over her shoulder.

He and Addam have been friends for so long - childhood friends, really. His childhood was interrupted by ruling, not to say politics, moreso than Addam's ever was. Still, this journey interrupted Addam's life more than it did his. Simple and stout, like a rope weft from a common plant. "Onward, together, Addam."

Mythra is a friend as well, by now. In a word, she is spirited. Not quite so fiery as Brighid, but just as fierce. He cannot help but admire that ever-pulsing light. "Remember what we said, Mythra, and we cannot but succeed." If she ruffles his hair just a touch as she hugs him with that same fierceness, he doesn't mind.

Minoth is much more caring than he had expected at first. The imposing vestments, the big, brash guns - they all serve towards a picture of something a little wayward, a little wild. But, in fact, the Dark Blade is refined in the best way, never even stiff. Hugo thinks he could pick up a thing or two from him (and he's all but being picked up himself right now).

Brighid has always struck an awe into him, ever since and even before their resonance. She is powerful, terribly powerful, and he has been the target of her ire seven times too many (and there only ever were seven, you see). Now, however, when she embraces him, she is soft, perhaps a little scared. "I am here, Brighid," he says softly. "And I shall strike down any who seek to change that fact," she returns, and pulls him closer.

He cannot imagine having braved this at times harrowing journey without faithful Aegaeon by his side. Even if he sometimes takes his devotion too far, so as to become overprotective, his loyalty is something of the most genuine that Hugo has ever seen. He would give up a hundred supporters, a thousand, from the common people, if it only meant that his Blade would never turn away - he could do without the crushing hug, perhaps, though.

Traveling with the Emperor and Aegaeon, though not much of a boys' club, is still vastly different from having Lora around. She's fairly experienced, even if she's younger than she looks. Making her perfumes as Lora makes her charms by the firelight is a sweet, companionable thing. It's something she misses, will miss, living in the palace. Perhaps she will invite Lora to Mor Ardain when this is all over. As the mercenary hugs her, rough but close, she decides that she definitely will.

Jin is constant, forthright, and quite honestly deadly, but most of all he is kind. He does not wish to fight; he does not enjoy the battle as much as she does. Battle is a Blade's reason to be, she has often said, but Jin makes her realize that perhaps it is the cooking, the perfumery, the hobbies and the homeyness that is the main event, and fighting the accent piece. Embracing him confirms that truth. To be together is most important of all.

Haze, sweet Haze. To reduce her to a caricature would be folly, but she is indeed just so sweet and vulnerable. It's not as if she doesn't respect the Wind Blade's martial prowess, even encouraging her with the offering of strategy at times. Here, a counterpoint to Jin, she thinks maybe Haze could stand to be a little more tough, a little more hungry. It wouldn't do for her to fall away and become complacent. Well, but her hug is joyful, gleeful, and then tempered by solemnity. That's the only kind of peace they need.

Addam has not been able to rein in the Aegis, has never been able to do what he must. Frankly, she's worried that he won't be able to yet again, and this time when it counts. Still, he is an upright young man. His trust is an honor well received, and she can tell that he feels the same. "I am honored to fight at your side, Addam," she says, and means it. His hands and arms about her are gentle and true in receipt.

She may never understand Mythra, and she is determined to believe that that is nothing of her doing, and not the result of simply refusing to try. She is incorrigible, an utter brat, a brazenly childish fool. And yet, Brighid feels care for her, because after all she is some years younger - as if that's not to Brighid's advantage and even credit. Perhaps she can confer the wisdom of an older sister. When they hug, she isn't entirely opposed to the idea.

Minoth. Here a cad, there a charmer, always strangely sincere beneath it all. His writings and weapons alike are intriguing to no end, as is the utmost respect of his embrace. "You're on, Brighid." "What, no 'dear'?" "Now's not the time." It isn't. Her admiration he's won yet again.

His Majesty has made her proud every day she's been alive to stand alongside him (and likely many of those when she wasn't; when it wasn't her, exactly). She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he will again in the coming fight - and she casts some impressive shadows. "I am your sword, Emperor Hugo. We will strike as one." And, just now, they stand it.

She and Aegaeon have always been partners, for as long as the Empire has possessed them. Her journals tell of it, as do the letters he writes her when they are apart. They were not born together in this instance, but she does not skirt the truth of the fact that they will die together, like as not, this time. Fire and water, so similar yet so different. Their elements were not made to embrace, in reality, but it has come to be that they themselves were.

Lora is a veritable boon of a traveling companion. She swears her goal to protect them all, and he is glad to share it. That is not her duty, for she is a Driver, a human, and he is a Blade, yet they share it. Magnificent. "Lady Lora, always remember that I am with you," he says with a firm hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Aegaeon," she answers him, eyes shining. Ah, the emotion of water. Perhaps his eyes are brimming, as well.

He is always grateful for Jin's calm, focused presence on the battlefield. It is a wonder how he came to be so strong, so precise, when bonded with a girl only ten years old. He is the Paragon, indeed. They are the both of them stiff, the word "hug" perhaps unsuited to whatever postures it is they maintain, but the feeling is there nonetheless. "Let us do it, Jin." "Indeed, Aegaeon."

Haze is young. As a Blade, she is not much younger than he, but she is still young. As the Blade of a mercenary, a warrior, it cannot be easy to be young, but her Driver somehow manages it. Yes, he has had thoughts of how it would be like if she were not a Blade but an eligible consort for His Majesty. But no, she stands on her own. Even the smallest river runs deep, in one way or another. When she hugs him, he is sure of it.

Addam has grown much since their first meeting. Ah, well. Their first meeting in this life of his. So Addam would have been not sixteen but eighteen, only just becoming an adult. He is still young now. And he is generous, and he is kind, and he and Emperor Hugo are very alike, are they not. He approves, no matter the calamity before them. Addam's grip is strong. He will not falter. At least, Aegaeon hopes for this.

He still fears, somewhat, as her Driver does, Mythra's awesome power. It is drawn from the same stream as was and is Malos's, and so one cannot but worry. And yet, she is learning. She is growing. Drop by drop is the pot filled, and the pot of her confidence and control is soon to be overflown. He offers another measure of it as he hugs her to him: "I put my trust in you, Mythra. Let your tide flow with all your compassion."

Master Minoth...he is an odd one, for a warrior. His weapons are unusual, but his versatility is admirable. His passions for oration and language always shine through, even when he is quipping something obtuse that Aegaeon isn't quite sure he understands. "Keep it in time, Aegaeon," he says gravely as they embrace. Ah, yes. That one he understands.

Aegaeon swore numerous years ago now to always protect his liege. Of course he did; he is duty bound to do so, it is practically his entire identity. And yet, he feels that he cares for Hugo in a greater way than an imperial Blade is so simply required to. He feels love for Hugo, the strongest tie that can ever bind, stronger than ether and stronger than water. And a hug? That seems a...sufficient way to express that love.

Brighid he also cares deeply for, naturally. Their mutual exchange is intrinsic, and they are counterparts. He is glad to be bonded to the same Driver as her, with her, for she would be venerable and formidable no matter the resonance. Still, he looks forward to seeing what future influences she will meet under their nation's proud crest. "We are Ardainian Blades." "Indeed, we are."