Confusion Ivy
"Oh, Minoth, you're so dreamy! Could I have your autograph~?"
It's not the first time Addam's pulled this faux-fawning routine, and it won't be the last. Minoth's not being facetious when he groans about it - it does grate, at least a little bit. Addam could at least try to be sexy when he pitches his voice up, you know? Not that Minoth wants to get settled into that beetle den. know. It's embarrassing.
It's not, however, accurate: the idea that Minoth would only show off for "eligible girls"? Please. He's as bisexual as they get, but not without a prominent lean towards guys. And yes, he shouldn't be embarrassed for people to know that, and maybe someday he won't be...
But this is good, isn't it? As Addam would say, isn't it just cracking?
Because it gets Mythra all-over steamed, or did the first time, at least. She couldn't stand the implication that as far as girls worth showing off for were concerned, she was in the out group. Didn't matter that any other time you asked her she'd positively chafe at the crosswise implication of anything girly. She just didn't like being dismissed.
Now, it could go the other way with pretty good results, in general. Haze surely would blush and giggle at the flirt, as might Lora, even if Brighid would scoff, and Minoth has even considered tossing the metaphorical bouquet towards Aegaeon, on occasion. But it all depends on when they get caught.
Attempt the first: "I don't see the need to show off without any eligible girls around."
(Cue Mythra: "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?")
Attempt the second: "You think I'd throw my back out for no audience? Gimme a jeune-fille, and then we'll talk."
(Cue Brighid: "An interesting turn of language...I suppose it's not entirely inappropriate.")
Attempt the third: "You're not fooling me without any makeup, Prince. Get some freckles on, at least!"
(Cue Haze: "I think I get freckles in the summertime, maybe - what do you think, Lady Lora?")
Attempt the fourth: "As if any girl worth a dinner out would walk around with a face like that."
(Cue Lora: "Well, that doesn't seem too gentlemanly, to me...")
And finally, attempt the fifth: "Oh, keep talking, funny man. If there were any ladies here, I'd be careful what you say."
At that, the lot of them cry out, "Guys, we're right here!"
Minoth casts a look over the group, bemused. "Yeah, and so's Aegaeon. I know."
Mythra, for a change, decides to speak for all of them. "Maybe it was funny the first time, but how come you just keep...acting like we're not here? Like, I don't want you to flirt me. It's enough to make me barf, and the Aegis doesn't barf."
Quizzical glances and whispers are exchanged, indicating that they'd all buy it completely, if she or he, in fact, did.
"But what's the point? What do you know that we don't know?"
Addam and Minoth, now, exchange glances. Mythra's always been capital for hating when other people know things she doesn't, and can't sufficiently and satisfactorily squirrel out.
"Are you just gay? Because you could say that, instead of insulting us every other fight."
This prompts righteous nods from Lora and Haze, the sight of which makes Minoth now squarely regret not including them in the fun at least once. For her part, Brighid just stands to the side and surveys them all judgementally. Your views on women, indeed. And what would Emperor Hugo say? But he hasn't said anything, yet.
"The thing is..."
"And it seems I've been implicated here, too," Aegaeon warbles, or whatever attribution is water-appropriate. Slow to the punch, as usual, and everyone shuffles awkwardly at this latest addition.
"Okay, we'll start with Aegaeon," Minoth decides. "Aegaeon has no stake in it, because he's aromantic. Yes? No arguments?"
No arguments.
"Brighid is a lesbian."
He doesn't state it as a question, and the Jewel rolls her eyes (yes, somehow) and nods. "No argument from me."
"Lora and Haze, ditto."
"O-oh! Is that...?"
Minoth sighs. "It's whatever you want, or it isn't. Fine." Fine. "Mythra..."
She appears entirely unsure who to look at, in this strange interrogatory, roll-taking moment, and settles on Milton, who makes a face back at her, elbows Mikhail, and very nearly makes her laugh - but doesn't.
Addam speaks, then. "You can label yourself however you like, and it's really none of our business - if you want to be included, in the whole...lesbian thing, then that's fine, too! - but I told Minoth that I didn't think it right if either of us flirted with you. Just because...things are confusing enough, as they are."
She shrugs. "Yeah, whatever. I guess that's fine. I guess...actually, I guess if this is really your reasoning, it is a pretty funny joke. But still dumb."
"We'll always be dumb, to you," Minoth says fondly. "But our better reasoning is that when I said 'eligible girls', I meant exactly one girl in particular."
"Addam's wife."
The assorted reactions had been...very mixed. None too scandalized, but all very much put off balance, and some even fervently excited.
As they relate the story to her later, she just laughs, laughs, laughs. Addam's enjoying it, to be certain, but he's still perturbed - always had been, a little more so than Minoth.
"We really just live in a fantasy land where jealousy doesn't exist, don't we?"
"Well, of course!" Flora giggles some more. "Aren't there so many other, more important things you two have to be worrying about?"
"You don't give yourself any say in the matter?" Minoth queries, elbow gentle upon Flora's shoulder.
She's never had a problem with self expression, speaking her mind whenever she finds issue with situations at hand.
"I get two husbands, or whatever you want to call yourselves, with fine senses of humor and fine taste in friends, not to mention women. What have I got to complain about?"