Day 19 - Time

Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply | Fandoms: Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Video Game)

Categories: F/F | For: MachineryField | WC: 100 | Dated: 2022-06-19 | Pride Month 2022 | Read on AO3

Relationships: Carna | Sharla/Vanea (Xenoblade Chronicles)

Characters: Carna | Sharla, Vanea (Xenoblade Chronicles)

Additional: Drabble, Prompt Fill

Time - of course the mother hens of the group, whether they're actually mothers or just sisters, end up tasked with synchronizing a few stray clocks that've gotten discombobulated in the world's recreation.

Time - of course it takes Sharla longer to get to hers, because she's not nearly as tall as Vanea, and the top step of the ladder makes her fingers tremble quite a bit in comparison to Vanea's slender, precise digits.

Time - of course when Vanea offers to lift her down instead of tempting fate with the ladder, Sharla takes her sweet time stepping away from her lady's chest.