Day 03 - Diner

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

F/F | for minorthirds | 300 words | 2023-06-03 | Pride Month 2023 | AO3

Eunie (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Ashera (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Eunie (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Ashera (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Triple Drabble, Prompt Fill

Eunie and Ashera both put their feet up on the diner's laminate booth table, practically in unison, without thinking. Eunie, at first, scowled a torrent across the wobbling standee proclaiming new pies for the summer, while Ashera grinned a restraining order worth, but then she, too, found the humor in it.

"You have no manners," Eunie said ruefully. "Think the whole sparkin' world revolves around you, don't it?"

"And you?" Ashera acknowledged in turn, as Eunie had implicitly requested. "You're also making a mockery of this fine establishment."

"My sneakers probably don't have blood on 'em."

This made Ashera park her greaves.

Eunie followed suit, however, which put them right back where they'd started.

"Are you vegetarian?"


"How you like your bacon?"


"You're a maroon," Eunie said, without looking up. She was the type of person who knew there was no point in looking at the menu, but did it anyway. Ashera didn't look, and then made her companions, of whatever sort, scrabble for clarification while the server looked on.

They hadn't yet discussed who was paying - they'd had other "dates" to promenades and gardens that let them in free, though the former was much more lax on volume level than the latter - and Eunie was nervously tabbing up accoutrements just in case. If they shared one side of bacon, split a muffin and toast, long as they liked their toast the same way...

"Hey, Eunie."


"Eunie," Ashera repeated. That was a rare tone, so Eunie obediently looked up.

"Are you nervous?"

"Uh...yeah?" Evidence enough: normally, of course she'd blow such an accusation right off.

"You don't have to pretend."

"What, to have manners?"

"To have anything," Ashera replied breezily. "I don't care if they kick us out."

With her? Eunie cracked a grin. "Me neither."