Day 15 - Rest Day

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

M/M | for SilverWolf96 | 300 words | 2023-06-15 | Pride Month 2023 | AO3

Minochi | Cole | Minoth/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo

Minochi | Cole | Minoth, Adel Orudou | Addam Origo

Triple Drabble, Prompt Fill

If Minoth lived in a century where there existed such a thing as a "desk job", he'd likely employ a strategy for self-scheduling the tasks assigned to him that followed the heuristic: "Always leave something on the plate for tomorrow."

It was one thing to be busy, busy, busy, always praying (if one had a deity of choice available) for some scrap of free time. It was a different, and possibly much worse, thing to be patronized, or seen as not quite so stellar as one could possibly be; leaving potential on the table with that spare task.

But, it was a two-pronged other entirely to have nothing to do, and a damaged ambition, and a boss who'd make use of your free operating hours whenever and however he pleased.

So Minoth always liked to keep something in his back pocket extra to do. If a mercenary job was slated to take three days, was he finishing on the first and frolicing on the second and third? No, he was spacing it out - like a pro, by this point. And occasionally, he'd demonstrate his unique brand of efficiency, just enough to coast the reputation high.

"Morning, Prince," he offered one day, before his name could be shouted to the heavens. "How's the docket looking?"

Addam grinned far wider than he had any right to. "Rest day, today!"

"Oh? You work your royal little ass too hard yesterday?"

"No," said Addam, wholly unshaken. "All of us. Do whatever you like."

All of us? Well, and if that wasn't inefficiency, Minoth didn't know what was. The same principle applied no matter how many operatives you had, after all! Distribute your resources! Space out your slacking!

Still, if that was it...

"Mind if I spend it with you?"

"I thought you'd never ask."