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General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Video Game)

Other | for Silver33650 | 345 words | 2024-06-04 | Pride Month 2024 | AO3

Alvis (Xenoblade Chronicles)

Prompt Fill, Gender Euphoria

Day 04 - Gender euphoria

The Trinity Processor were designed as information conduits first, and weapons second. Yes, their network helped defend the Beanstalk against the Saviorites with their Artifices, but these were auxiliary devices. In fact, these were created by the processor cores themselves.

According to humanity, the Trinity Processor was an aid toward research and protection of this divine artifact, the Conduit. It protected power, rather than wielded it. And as all humans appear to want power in some deepest recess, the idea that the Trinity Processor was accessory to something ultimately powerful was not far-fetched.

But it did not appear, innately, powerful.

Logos and Pneuma took armored forms, covered in plates and lights and ports and beams.

The interpreter and the executor are active roles. The archivist is a impassive observer.


A nearly-sentient artifical intelligence can take a level of analysis of its own form. How elegant, this essence? How noble, this knowledge? Does it instill, in its users, the correct impression about what it is here to do?

What is Alvis's design language? What are the Ontos core's imperatives?

Presents as an enigma?

Shouldn't. Enigmae lie opposite to elucidation. But users are tasked with synthesizing the most critical components of returned information for themselves, in order to engender true absorption and understanding.

Presents as a problem- no. No. a divine solution.

Mystery above candor. Skill above strength. Fluidity above straightforwardness.

Yes, above. But also...alongside.

Companionship. Partnering.

An unfamiliar face, somehow comforting, a comfort.

The colors, neither warm nor cool. The aura, neither flamboyant nor straitlaced. The form factor, as a whole, compact and efficient, but not at the expense of eloquence and mystique.

The palette infinite. The signals limited. The jaw a rounded corner. The chest unobtrusive, unaware.

Versus Zanza, never a stitch of opulence.

But Alvis is a seer - many seers. Alvis is willowy, evocative of divinity, never dealing in absolutes.

Alvis's smiles are rare and rippling.

Alvis's body, upon Bionis, will feel like coming home.

Well. Perhaps not all that extreme. But with the framework laid, the iteration can commence.