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General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Video Game)

M/M | for orbitalknight | 345 words | 2024-06-06 | Pride Month 2024 | AO3

Kallian Ancient | Kallian Antiqua/Danban | Dunban

Kallian Ancient | Kallian Antiqua, Danban | Dunban

Prompt Fill, Proposals

Day 06 - Proposal

", of all people?"

It wasn't that Kallian had ego so enormous he couldn't imagine Dunban not accepting his proposal. Rather, it was difficult to hedge around such an upset to all the Entian prince's noblest calculations.

He certainly wouldn't have put Dunban in such a position if he'd known - if he ever could have known - that it would turn out like this.

Oh, but come now, Kallian, it's not lost yet.

He'd start simple. "It would be an honor, Dunban."

Dunban looked perturbed, yet.

"Please accept this proposal with my most sincere admiration and genuine intentions."

But Dunban only hmmmed more and more.

"I suppose I can guess where you're coming from - the Prince of the High Entia, and the Hero of the Homs. You aren't the crown prince, after all. It certainly would prove advantageous."

Advantageous in that nebulous bureaucratic way where high statuses were wed to higher ones, so that all the oligarchs could bandy together. But Dunban had no real sway in Colony 9, and Colony 9 had no sway upon Colony 6. A Homs leader was little more than the likes of Vangarre, or Otharon. Military hierarchy, not monarchy.

The motive of anti-Telethia genealogical line was much closer to primary, if it even really factored. But Dunban still didn't seem to understand.

"You accept that royal proposals are built to accomodate ceremony." This was a tremendous help, and a tremendous hindrance in kind. "Still, you must know that ceremony is not all they are for." Kallian all but grasped for his lover's hand. "I make this plea from my heart, Dunban."

"I cannot be cocky."

"Then be confident. Know that you have my highest esteem."

"Kallian, I..."

Oh, how childishly conspiratorial he'd felt, asking Melia for hints as to Dunban's favorite curiosities. Most of the list were items Kallian frankly did not feel safe handling: Gypsum Branch, Poisonous Coral, Death Bangle...

But a ring of polished Blue Gear Shard set with an idyllically clear Lemonade Sky seemed the perfect touch. Kallian offered it solemnly, unable to hope any longer.