reap from the turquoise sky

Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles Series (Video Games)

Multi | for Free/Throwback | 200 words | 2023-08-01 | Xenoblade Ship Week 2023

Vasara | Perceval/Kentaro Nagi

Vasara | Perceval, Kentaro Nagi

Double Drabble, Prompt Fill, Inspired by Music, Source: Genesis, Source: Peter Gabriel

(previously unwritten ship - 2/X)

"That 'rare elixir' of yours. Care to share with the class?"

"You ask so boldly. Would it not be unwise of me to do so?"

Nagi scratches his chin, catching one finger in the scar even through habit. "Well, it's not impossible for it to be sake. Could also just be water, though I gather that would mess with your whole mystical fire motif."

The force of Perceval's scoff is enough to send the banner at his back listing away from just such a flame. "You take me to be so unserious?"

"Unserious?" That gets a brow-raise out of Nagi. "It's been quite some time since I last heard that word. But no, I take you to be very serious. I take myself to be very serious, too - even with my fun. Especially with my fun, actually!"

"What might this mean to me?" Sophistry though Perceval might do, he doesn't do small talk, or bush-beating, or anything in between.

"Well...I'm not like those who insist on sparring at every chance, but you do intrigue me."

"Need I remind you, Secretary? Weapons are tools, not toys."

"In peacetime, that's all they should be. Maybe I'll see you to it then."