Old Television
You know me as an fantasy/sci-fi adventure/RPG fan from the zoomer set, but I also have a long-standing interest in old TV/movies (here, not including Star Trek), and yes, there is shipping… The odd work for modern movies is also included for efficiency - basically, this is the closest I get to real-person shipping. 10,671 / 11
Some things are just meant to be, even if they don't look so black and white.
The marsh doesn't have any concept of before and after. There isn't anything so discrete as all that.
The problem was...that there weren't any problems. And that, in the end, was the best thing of all. They made it so, anyway.
That house...oh, that house.
And with a raucous shudder, and with a furious ease.
...you can tell me by the way I walk!
Shhh, it's starting!
Really, if not the whole thing.
Careful what you wish for - or what you don't, rather.
This apartment wasn't so much Oscar's territory anymore. Was that the trade, one half of an apartment in exchange for one half of your progeny?
He burned the dinner. Of course he did. Except how do you burn a frozen dinner? Ralph Malph would find a way.