More Water to My Mill

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

Multi | for familiarsound | 475 words | 2024-07-10 | Xeno Series

Minochi | Cole | Minoth/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo's Wife

Wadatsumi | Aegaeon, Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Mild Crack, Gossip, Cheating

Aegaeon is a weird girl for sure. Might he also be a mean girl?

Minoth had to admit that he often daydreamed about how the others would react, if they knew that not only was Addam in fact married, Minoth was in on it too. Lora and Haze in particular loved dissecting a juicy rumor, comparing what had been said to the truth that now lay apparent. Would they gush and swoon over all the prince's chivalry toward his lover, marvel at the perfect casting of Addam and Minoth alongside petite, pert Flora?

Often to his own detriment, Minoth wished for others to accept him, for those he cared about to be happy with his presence, instead of just as tolerant as he could surmise. So, he hoped, his being properly united with Addam would galvanize the crew. Take care of Addam's "happy family" idea without having to say it out loud.

Any and all thoughts of the crew choosing to distrust their newest entrant, Minoth summarily staved. He had to ignore that possibility, or he'd start to believe it before it had even come true. No, it would be a good day. They'd be happy with him, and if they weren't, he wouldn't care.

For Flora and Addam both loved him, and Minoth could never in his life ask for a better gift than that.

Well, but Aegaeon's Ruska Dumpling Soup always cut a close second. The skins had just the right amount of chew, the filling just the right level of seasoning to pair with the savory broth, and every component was in perfect balance and ratio with the rest.

Addam and Flora and Minoth, three dumplings in a soup.

Everyone talked pretty loosely around Aegaeon. They were the most trustworthy, transparent member of the group. If someone with a completely blue countenance could radiate any kind of warmth, Aegaeon did, and effortlessly. Their cooking, too, was to die for, and though Minoth swore one day he'd roll dumplings as fine as these, for now, he was content to work with what the master dished out.

This, of course, included gossip. Palva had a newly unearthed treasure trove's contents on offer; Leo and Sarah were off again, then on again; Bry was handing off maintenance of the royal sand gardens to Kaym; Tarath had related a very interesting tale about one of Azurda's other past paramours...

"Hey, don't waste any time, eh, Aegaeon? I'm on a roll, you know."

But, nothing could ever stop Aegaeon from being just as deliberate as he deigned, and his hand did neither speed nor slow as it ladled another precious helping of soup into Minoth's waiting bowl.

"I am glad to hear of it, Master Minoth. But please, proceed with caution."

They spared the requisite three seconds for an even glance around, one nod to each side, and then he continued:

"I have heard that Master Addam is having an affair."