sir that's my emotional support dirty old man

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

Gen | for minorthirds | 695 words | 2023-05-04 | Xeno Series | AO3

Fiona (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) & Triton (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Fiona (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Triton (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Hurt/Comfort, Hugs

We all need someone to lean on - and not just for three seconds, and over! No, no. A good long while.

i never say sorry for my crimes but like. sorry for my crimes. to quote myself, this is my problem in life. many hug many sweet many smile. but no sleepyeye cat resting

"Cap'n, I've got a question."

"A question?" Proverbially, the old salt stroked his white-streaked beard. "Here's hopin' I've got an answer. What can I help ye with, then, Fifi?"

Even though the nicknames were her own colony's trademark, Fiona had to blush. The war, and the consuls, Triton surely excluded, had made them so internally reliant, so resistant to appeal from any that weren't their own seabound unit, that she'd forgotten, which is to say never known, how nice it was to be treasured.

At least, she hoped Cap'n Triton thought more of her and her mates than just treasure, even if some of them did happen to not weigh much more than a coconut.

But on to her question. Fiona steeled herself.

"When you feel stressed, or like you're not sure where to turn, who do you lean on?"

"Who do I lean on?" Triton repeated. "Seadog like me can't afford to lean on anyone - supposing I find myself unable to get back up!"

Fiona waved a nervous hand. "No, no, that's not what I mean - or, well, it is what I mean, but if you really can't lean over without catching fear of getting up, then that's different. I just're the oldest one in your family."

That was the right word, apparently. It had a warmth to it. A sense of inbuilt togetherness, not unlike that of the individual colonies, but...gentler, somehow. Ideally, anyway.

"What happens when you're the one who needs a shoulder to cry on?"

"Why, Api, o' course!"

Stunned, Fiona couldn't even begin to answer. The shifting and crunching of Crustips along the shore just a short distance away weren't even quite enough to fill the silence.


Fiona jumped.

"I'm only pullin' yer leg, lass! If Api had me leanin' on 'em, we'd never see the little pink one anyone again."

Now it was Fiona's turn to laugh, a bright titter a shade less nervous than she'd been just a moment ago.

"The same'd go for any of us here in Colony Mu, I'd wager."

But Triton shook his head, at that.

"Nay, lass. Ye won't be wanting to gamble with the likes of me."

"You're sure?" Fiona nearly pouted. "But it sounds like so much fun!"

Thumping armored hands on armored knees, Triton dismissed the idea. "Fun nothin'. I still haven't answered yer question, now, have I?"

That was right, he hadn't! And not for lack of interest or intent. Oh, she'd been positively brogbrained lately...

Triton cast Fiona a significant look. "When I get to feelin' low, well, I haven't anybody to lean on, literally. But I go out an' I haul myself a Marrin or a Gyaark, or a bit o' washed-up treasure, and I say to myself, Triton, m'boy, ye've got a lotta things going for ye. Lots o' people you can help, and lots o' things to look forward to."

All fair enough, and hearty habits to be expected. Still, even though Fiona had started out making her inquisition selfishly, she felt more than a little sad, now.

"But doesn't it ever bother you? Being so...well, lonely?"

"I ain't lonely." Simply a matter-of-fact rebuttal, though the ever-attentive (if not the brightest) signifer could detect a hint of bemused affront.

"Yes, I know that, but- you see--"

Able to bear the bittersweet no longer, Fiona launched herself up to wrap short, skinny arms around Triton's neck - and couldn't quite reach all the way.

"Hey, now-!" He was laughing, which was a good sign. "Let us get a seat, here..."

Reluctantly, Fiona let go, most of the way, to allow the creaky consul time and space to lower himself down to the last line of grass before Daedal's shore. When he'd made it, she clung close again, thankful that her cheek could reach his rather than just her upper body pulling against inflexible armor.

Triton's hand on her shoulder, right to left, was cold but welcome.

"I see what ye meant, now. And I'll be damned if I ain't grateful."

"Anytime, Cap'n," Fiona replied as all her stress faded away with the shrinking tide. "And as long as you" - I, we - "need."

sorry roan i'm in love with you. autistically. would you believe the title came last and i did not make the connection until i . so please believe