message passing

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

Gen | for seagullcharmer, rarsneezes, Aerora | 512 words | 2023-04-12 | Xeno Series | AO3

Hikari | Mythra & Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Hikari | Mythra, Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Late Night Conversations, Male-Female Friendship, Bonding, Telepathy, Computer Programming, Lowercase Lock

within your attributes, a vital mutator; for better or for worse, the interface is implemented

hey minoth, mythra said, fingertips dimpling in the knobbles of her knee and the sand-encrusted underside of the joint. you think if i think hard enough i can like. talk to you with my mind

think they call that telepathy, earthside, minoth answered, unaccusatory but generally bemused by mythra's, in this case, obfuscationally expeditious manner of colloquialism. wasn't she supposed to be the one who knew everything? categorically so. wasn't it supposed to be the bimbombastic humans who regarded the vagaries of blades' bonds as obtuse, nebulous, certainly tenuous things, which included the idea of ~talking to you with my mind~ instead of what it might more accurately be called: nonverbal communication with extra dimensions.

not just body language, and minoth had his eyes closed - resting, was the coy term that remained entirely apropos. strange socialized correlation, between lying down and lying dormant. closing your eyes when you were standing on two feet was dangerous, wasn't it? you could fall over, even though it was your ears, basically, that kept your balance. and it was hard to lie down on a couch, or similar, and ramrod your eyes to the ceiling.

but they were on hard-packed grass-stingy dirt, right now. and sand, too. i'd like that, minoth said, you know. i'd like that

say what you want about mythra, she wasn't much for original, even quirky, suggestions that weren't evenly judged to be amenable to all those involved. she was annoying, but not persistently, petulantly pestilent. she was a bristly problem-child perfect-gift teenager in all form, but she wasn't an instigative, neniquent nag. minoth didn't know if he'd ever known a nag. maybe he should invent one.

(addam and lora both and each could fit the definition, easily. how could he forget? because he was thinking about mythra, and telepathy, and sharing space with one's mind)

not instigative. never. knees pulled in tight; just protecting herself. private attributes. how to share?

the air around her always shimmered with the impact of storing the aegis in plainspace coordinates. you couldn't avoid thinking through her presence if you tried. his...sort of like a pleasant version of reeking dead bodies. umami of the unrested, and hers lemonsweet-sour.




don't even think i have anything i want to say to you.

that's fine. you might, someday

someday, huh? how big of a window have i got to plan on?

don't feel like you have to

she ignored the question

you wanna wake up in the morning?



so i'll say good morning

this is a dumb conversation

stop thinking so hard, then


you're free to share


whatever you want

resource leak

bet i am too

what's it taste like when you bite the inside of your cheek tell me

wh- hey--! ew, gross! guh! you owe me, like, ten bonbons for that

as if i don't always share

shut up




nonverbal communication with extra dimensions




you think if i think hard enough i can let you know you're loved

nuh-uh. i've had enough of your loud-ass thoughts in the past week for a lifetime