reinforcement learning

Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

Gen | for MachineryField | 404 words | 2023-04-29 | Xeno Series | AO3

Alpha (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Matthew (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Na'el (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Z (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Computer Programming, Artificial Intelligences, Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed DLC

Inherently: version history - commit history. Where've we been, and how did we get here?

It's an obvious statement, but one that doesn't bring its full brunt to bear unless it's just so plainly stated:

The choices we've made define us, in place of anything else inherent that possibly could, when the trees of our decisions so violently and consistently erupt from open to close of day. We are what we have made of ourselves, the previous day and that before that. Call it recursion, or simple progenitration, but we are based upon ancestry, and nurture along with nature, no matter what.

A beautiful, interconnected family of things, by choice and by trade; nothing is more essential. That we are not what we came from, but that we know it, to see and say - We Are Here.

You can't just pick up humanity and start it over again, in a world without that meaning. It wouldn't be...humanity, anymore.

"Turning around, going back...looking for a new way forward...doing that, time and again; that's how you build a future."

It's the interesting thing about computers, past the beginning of the second millennium. They started getting more and more advanced; more and more sophisticated. They started being able to store enough instructions that we could give them instructions to write their own. To observe patterns, and store feedback. To simulate learning.

To grow. To evolve.

Within the bounds, of course, that we had set.

And to do this, a model needs data upon which to train. Also, data upon which to test, and to validate.

This data could be historical, or it could be contrived. Whatever the case, once it is consumed, it becomes history. It becomes the record. The record may branch, infinitely and endlessly, but if we lose the root...

Well, then we're in great trouble, aren't we?

And even if you, they, we repot the clipping, acting as though it were the root, we will never truly understand where we've been, without that history. It's not that the machine becomes wholly dequipped of its ability to understand, but then again, what is a machine learning model beyond reinterpreted data?

All computers are compilations of text. Records, instructions, even algorithms. Plain text. All reliant upon the old.

You can't begin again without those instructions.

Z subsists upon human fear, knowing what lurks in the shadows.

Alpha subsists upon Z, plying autonomous with ease.

Left unsupervised by common sense, these crucial dependencies will raze right to the ground.