the stakes just got higher

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

Gen | for chufff | 385 words | 2023-01-13 | Xeno Series | AO3

Hikari | Mythra & Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Hikari | Mythra, Minochi | Cole | Minoth

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Found Family

Mythra is nothing if not a troubled youth. By comparison, Minoth looks like a sainted...not-uncle. Something else. Fiddlier.

"Can't sleep," Mythra says. Lora hesitates to lie back down, but does so in time.

"Can't sleep," Mythra says. Addam takes the cue to shove off.

"Can't sleep," Mythra says. Aegaeon nods sagely but keeps his drain trap shut.

"Can't sleep," Mythra says, to no one's asking, and Minoth uncrosses his legs so as to recross in the opposite way.

There's a very intricate, almost ritualistic dance to this kind of relationship. An adopted-uncle best-friend extension, blackly fond, where the playing field is dubiously even, if your big boy shoes are on, and where you have to assume that the benefactor cares nothing for you, or you'll kill yourself trying to make them proud.

(Is it even possible? Is it already done? Can I ever undo it? And what about me, then?)

Mythra can't exactly go over to Minoth and wave hello, because that involves a discount of peripheral vision, and she's not about to flag him on his bad side.

But Mythra can't sleep, and she's bad-girl-nonbinary pissed about it, and her coincidence-happy brain wants a hug for its trouble.

Minoth shuffles his legs again, miming a riffle with his fingers behind his head for good measure.

Just go to sleep, Mythra. Bust Malos tomorrow, and then go to sleep for the big time, because what else are you out here walking for? With the other Aegis put down, that makes you out of school and out of work.

"Wish I could give some good gossip, but I'm afraid you probably know it all."

Calling her a know-it-all?

Mythra hates Minoth for liking her. Hates Minoth for being her friend. She walks over to him and nearly hauls him up by his elbow, surprised at the slightly unsolid weight of him. Used to be a Blade. Right.

Minoth looks up at her and chuckles. It's a soul-crushingly great amount of pressure, to be loved.

Minoth's chest is more solid than the hang of his tricep. Mythra wishes she had something better to think about than people when she can't sleep.

"You're still surprised, aren't you?"

"Aren't you?"

"By a lot of things. But not by my own capacity to be fascinated."

(He's lying. Only gets away with it because what he means to say is that what she's got blows all the scales hollow.)