put a spell on me

Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors

M/M, Other | for seagullcharmer | 455 words | 2024-05-17 | Legend of Zelda

Wizzro (Legend of Zelda)/Ganondorf (Hyrule Warriors)

Wizzro (Legend of Zelda), Cia (Legend of Zelda), Ganondorf (Hyrule Warriors)

Crack Relationships, Canon Dialogue

Oh, it was destiny. A siren call to power.

you don't have to like it you just have to think it's funny

Wizzro was a sadistic, opportunistic, hubristic hag of an imp. Had he come about by chance or by destiny? Destiny figured to be the truest answer.

Maybe the first owner or wearer of the ring had been a dark-spirited person, or maybe the ring had been made by a blacksmith or aristocrat relatively pure of heart who had truly wanted to seal the cursed, evil magic away in the most compact yet easily-identifiable form factor possible.

Centuries of victims now powered each malevolent blast, each leaping serpent, each cruel and crushing hand. What Cia had done to complete the transformation was a minimal step, an afterthought.

No, this power had been brewing specifically for Wizzro's use - and for the use of whichever master he chose to serve, as best served the dark wizard himself.

He moved from alliance to alliance as the spirit moved him, and on occasion he chose to break away and declare himself independent, serving no master at all.

But if Ganondorf truly was the king of evil, the lord of demons and shadows above any Demon Lord or King of Shadows, the thriving and throbbing source of all darkness regardless of timeline (once again, beyond Cia's insignificant gates), then it was surely Wizzro's destiny to align with him.

Even emerging onto the battlefield in a weakened state, Wizzro felt revitalized by the dark energy made manifest in Gohmas, Manhandlas, Aeralfos - every last Bulblin, in their pathetic throngs and throes.

He hadn't been lying to Cia, he was still wounded from their last battle. Myriad misdirected complaints and conniving as a currency for borrowed time were a particular speciality for all the Poe line, and the master wizard, the Biggest Poe of Them All, was no exception.

Direct orders, though, he was harder-pressed to disobey. And presented with the dichotomy of darknesses, Wizzro found his path laid clear.

Just like a King of Bulblins, he would entrust his power.

And when Ganondorf heard of this allegiance, made by way of treachery, he did not take it on its face. No, of course the Demon King was too clever, too wise to fall for any potential false pleas.

Wizzro should have been incensed at the epithet of "little magician" - so derisive, so unfitting of Wizzro's legendary status. The Triforce was the most powerful artifact in all of Hyrule, but it was neutral, bendable to any successful user's will. Meanwhile, the cursed ring had no pitiful illusions of goodness, of holiness, of courage. It was evil in its purest form. Ganondorf should be begging Wizzro for his use!

But he hardly batted a blithering eyelid.

Ganondorf had commanded him, crush, maim, kill. Wizzro's response, far too eager to go above and beyond: how brutally?

comes from the Darkness Falls scenario