Fountains of Rome

Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

M/M | for Bees and Birds | 456 words | 2024-05-27 | Minoade May 2024 | AO3

Minochi | Cole | Minoth/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo

Minochi | Cole | Minoth, Adel Orudou | Addam Origo

Torna: The Golden Country DLC, Prompt Fill, Flora and Fauna

[Day 27 - Bees and Birds]

The party gazed out over the pilgrim's springland at one edge of Dannagh Desert, taking in the marvel of clear shallow waters for all to enjoy.

"Feels good to know our battles are providing some tangible benefit - instant gratification, if you will. Are you with me, Mythra?"

When she didn't answer, Addam sighed and turned toward Minoth, who appeared equally contemplative.

"Would you like to watch the Flamii with me?"

Minoth would actually have much rather focused on excavating the nearby treasure troves and pile of machine parts (Hugo and Jin were peering at him uncertainly, to see if they should bother waiting up), but Addam's offer seemed quite in earnest, so he acquiesced and stretched out his legs toward the end of the outcropping by the spring.

Horned Sculpins, in their juvenile form, didn't display the pink pigment that marked their adult counterparts, but the sacs were there, waiting until the fish had grown large enough to defend themselves from the predators the bright color would attract. Libelte Flamii, however, were none deterred by this attempted camouflage, and consumed both the shrimp-sized youth as well as their fabulous color.

Since Flamii were hunted for their wings, the Sculpin population periodically expanded and contracted accordingly. Someday, one could only hope, evolution would conspire to benefit the both without a cycle of death and rebirth, such as it was.

Minoth couldn't so much as mention this to Addam without a dreamy yet contemplative smile blossoming over the prince's face.

"I find your naturalist knowledge highly admirable. Of course, Aegaeon could tell me the same information, but he doesn't have the same...flair you do."

"No need to rag on Aegaeon, my prince. He's the one who told it to me in the first place."

"Ah!" Addam smiled down at his shoes, now rueful, and clapped hand over wrist. "You retain it all, too. Meanwhile, what do I know?"

"Crop rotations," replied Minoth, since it was the easy answer. "Money. Maybe not how to make it, but how to spend it more productively than I do."

"History, but we share that in common."

"Not women - also in common."

Birds could balance on one leg easier than either Addam or Minoth could consciously woo them. And it wasn't so bad, because Addam didn't find himself serially attuned to any such activity, and Minoth had had various bouts of luck with men, but it would be nice to feel...competent? Could that be the word?

Producing his canteen and uncapping it with the opposite of a flourish, Addam declared, "To flora and fauna!"

Minoth, empty-handed, knocked his knuckles against the side of the vessel and echoed, "To Flora."

In the ensuing silence, Addam added, "Also prefer fish to insects, generally."