Day 21 - Rain

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

M/M | for chufff | 300 words | 2023-06-21 | Pride Month 2023 | AO3

Cammuravi (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Bolearis (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Cammuravi (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Bolearis (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Triple Drabble, Prompt Fill

Bolearis loved the pattering of rain. He couldn't help it; the Eagus Wilderness played host to sandstorms, nasty creeping swirling things, much less often than it did to flurries of falling water.

Quiet, constant sounds, with just enough truly random organic variation not to ply at his anxiety. He was far from a meticulous mudder, in that way, but over the years, with Ethel and certainly without, he'd had to learn how best to keep himself calm.

Funny, that - Cammuravi smoldered with a crackling sound quite similar to the cadence of rain, and also was eminently concerned with keeping his own calm, not to say cool, at all times.

Cammuravi hated rain, however. Not only did it threaten the extinguishment of his hair, if only nominally, in such a way as anyone with half an imagination could see, it created a white noise that sort of...destructively interfered with the Seraph's internal sensibilities about what a truly peaceful setting should include, nay consist of.

Could now-commander Bolearis do anything about this? Indeed, he couldn't. He could no sooner stop the rain in Fornis than he could restore to Ethel her memories, and one didn't exactly whack rain clouds to show them a thing or two about being the boss.

Yes, the honorable Bolearis - Rousing Bolearis, would they call him? if he ever had the great fortunate honor to be called - felt so entirely tender about the fact of his paramour's comfort that he immediately dismissed all thoughts of moping about the loss of the rain. Maybe he could procure sound-proof barriers for their sleeping arrangements - surely they had those in the City?

Or maybe he could stow two Taos with one swipe, and bury his nose, approximately, in Cammuravi's ear, approximately.

Thank the Queens he wasn't afraid of the dark.