theory of computation

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)

F/M | for meownacridone | 345 words | 2024-06-12 | Pride Month 2024 | AO3

Adel Orudou | Addam Origo/Adel Orudou | Addam Origo's Wife

Adel Orudou | Addam Origo, Adel Orudou | Addam Origo's Wife

Prompt Fill, Pregnancy

Day 12 - Planning for a child

"But you'll be away, so it really doesn't work out."

"You don't know that." Even as Addam said this, he knew it to be a lie; Flora had a way of always knowing everything, and never once showing a sign of crumbling under the weight of her knowledge.

"I hate to say that I'm only thinking of this because I know I'll be lonely."

"You'll have Milton with you," Addam reminded her, meaning to be helpful rather than superior. But Flora shot him another look that said there was no way Milton was going to elect to stay home and learn the mathematics of the optimal arrangement of Armu dung piles instead of traveling with Addam and seeing all that Alrest had to offer, even under the pall of war.

Maybe, Flora thought to herself, I want to have a child because that's what a woman does. Maybe I'm just wishing I could carry one myself for the sake of being able to. Maybe I simply feel inadequate, and think that having a baby would change that. Would hide it.

Mungo had started Addam on the proper hormone replacement therapy quite early, and a result Addam had grown tall and strong. It was unknown whether a temporary pause in treatment would allow him to get pregnant.

But Addam would be away.

It wouldn't be forever, would it?

It couldn't be.

"There are surrogates. Adoption. Maybe experimental processes, through healing Blades. It's not all down to the one way."

Oh, Addam. So optimistic. But where on Alrest could they possibly find another Milton? Another brilliant boy who appreciated having new parents, and believed in the power of their little family?

"Or you could just come with us."

Flora bit back the flurry of retorts that came to her at that, instead looking dolefully at Addam (rather like an Armu, herself).

"We're so young, Flora." He took her hands, thumb moving over the ridge of hers. "It doesn't have to be now."

She'd admit her impatience. But see a little human with that gorgeous smile.