time complexity

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles Series (Video Games)

F/F | for SuperBubble | 345 words | 2024-06-13 | Pride Month 2024 | AO3

Meleph | Mòrag Ladair/Kagutsuchi | Brighid

Meleph | Mòrag Ladair, Kagutsuchi | Brighid, Sena (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Prompt Fill, Parents

Day 13 - Two moms

"Sena, can you say 'Mama'? M- m-- That's right, dear, Ma-Ma."

It was highly debatable whether or not Sena had actually executed two coherent syllables, and if so, were they headed by the specific consonant Brighid had in mind? Maybe not. Quite possibly, Sena was referring to some as-yet-unknown entity called "Baba". This would be Aegaeon, undoubtedly.

Despite all of her doubts, however, Mòrag was so utterly charmed by the sight of Brighid's private gentleness, as opposed to her constant public gentility, that she could completely ignore the phenomenon her wife was wishfully glossing over, with impunity.

That was, until Mòrag came into Brighid's, and subsequently Sena's, view, and heard the sound come again: "M-ma-ma. Ma-Ma!"

Sena's little hands, curling and uncurling into fists and back again, were most definitely stretched in Mòrag's direction.

"Well. That's sure not to cause any issues."

Brighid tilted her head toward Mòrag, but never truly took her eyes off of Sena. "You think she'll get confused?"

"Not necessarily, but I'd hate for her development to be hindered by a lack of context. Yes, we'd like her to be able to call for her mama, and have either of us appear, but eventually she's got to figure out that we're two separate people, and not a single entity."

Brighid smiled. "I'm sure it's news to me."

Boots unbuckled, Mòrag claimed the other half of the settee and leaned over Brighid's shoulder.

"You're always inspecting her for faults."

"Am I not allowed to look at my own child?"

"Certainly, you're allowed, but it always feels so...military."

"I am so military, Brighid. Your lady," she declared with a rare dramatic sweep of wrist, "is endlessly tactical. So now, she considers what her baby should call her."

Her baby should call her whatever her baby thought best, of course, but the aforementioned complication was soon to arise.

"If she finds her way to a P sound next, you can be Papa?"

Was she done caring about being thought a man?

"Hmmm...I'll consider it."

"You'll take it under advisement?"

"I certainly will."