stale reference manipulation

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

Multi | for archangelgf | 345 words | 2024-06-14 | Pride Month 2024 | AO3

Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)/Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)/A (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles), A (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Matthew (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Glimmer (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Nikol (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Prompt Fill, Dating

Day 14 - Are they dating or not?

"I really can't tell... Maybe that's just how adults are?"

"No shot, Nik. They're deffo hooking up."

"I didn't ask if they were hooking up," Glimmer retorted with a snort. "I asked if they were dating."

"Yeah, well? Same difference."

Wouldn't it have to be? Like, they were in the middle of war. Who had time for sussing out and havin' private dinners?

"What's all this? Conspirin' against us?"

If Glimmer hadn't been, she was now, squirming under the cup of Rex's great hand on her shoulder. Was this the same hand that...hooked up with A?

Nikol, eyes full of Stoutheart's elbow, tried his best to shoot Glimmer a glance, but was thwarted by A's watchful gaze.

A, Matthew thought, hadn't changed much at all. The two of them relied on each other considerably less now than they had before meeting Glimmer and Nikol, then Shulk and Rex, but A was tactical like that. Never unkind or unfriendly, merely businesslike. A walked ahead with the same gait as Shulk, or behind, mincing alongside Rex's booming strides.

Tents were shared with a focus on comfort, rather than any real buddy system. Kids together, grown-ups together. Two groups of three, divided by battle roles.

Shulk would originally have curtailed the joshing and gotten them on to plan, but now he gave that sheepish smile and just let it all play out.

Did it mean anything?

Once they'd re-regrouped, Nikol showed his findings: when Rex said "us", he had winked at A. So it was all three, not just the two men.

"Don't like winking," he admitted. "So much more confusing than when you just say what you mean. Or if you're going to wink, at least explain what it meant, after. Some of the Liberators give really wacky instructions."

Some of 'em appeared to take really wacky instructions, too. Was there really a secret code those three were running?

Nah. Rex was just friendly - Shulk just kind, and A just...A.

Nothing at all to be surmised from a few winks here, a few nudges there.