garbage collection

General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)

F/M | for ignisring | 345 words | 2024-06-15 | Pride Month 2024 | AO3

Taion (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Lanz (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Taion (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Lanz (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)

Prompt Fill, Crushes

Day 15 - First crush

Taion, a tactician, naturally viewed the revelations of the City, and of Doctor Hollis, as just that: new information, a broadened horizon at a new day's disposal. These babies, these tiny people, were perfectly awe-inspiring, and it was nearly impossible to believe - to wrap her flexible mind around - that they, too, were capable of creating

Creating, not destroying. Giving, not stealing.

Such weighty choices.

She was excited.

Never did the thought occur that these choices could fling themselves like stones into one's lap, full force, without due bidding.

Never did she suppose, given the framework of romance and partners, that it would be Lanz, of all people, who caught her charily lidded eyes.

Though, these feelings were not entirely alien. A nervousness around him, a desire to impress and grow, Taion recognized those.

It was only now that she began to notice how different they'd become. Eunie also brought annoyance that occasionally gave way to nerves, and Noah was someone Taion found quite interesting to converse with. Mio and Sena, well, she hadn't known them for long, but longer than the Kevesi trio. A businesslike approach to the shared special assignment was only natural, though it eroded over time.

Lanz, the incorrigible Kevesi whose interpersonal actions were louder than his battle arts, at times. Lanz, the living shield for his friends, the monolith of earnestness and self-sacrifice even bolder than Sena. Lanz, the tank who took it literally, and didn't evade.

There was no other way to explain why Lanz seemed special, was there? It must be these romantic feelings. City couples kissed, touched. Joined, key and exclusive, in a privileged manner that few, if any, others were allowed to be. A broad-strokes primer on the topic wouldn't delve too deeply into exceptions and special cases - your platonic bonds and so forth; Taion reserved these for later examination.

For now, she was eager to engage Lanz on a hopefully mutual curiosity.

She would find the right way to broach it, of course. This was, underneath it all, still a tactical scenario.